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8-Bit Software: A Preservation Effort - Non-Originals/Cracks


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Mach Ten Menu, Blank - This menu is made from the CCS Ultra Speed+ Fixxl OS menu builder. If you have the Ultra Speed+ OS in your computer you can make original blank menu disks.   Switch it over to the Fixxl OS and hold SELECT while booting. If you don't, copy this one and just add files. A blank one only uses 3 sectors, Single Density only.

Just goes to show that you need to test it all.  If you already picked up the mach ten menu it is in the wrong format.  I had it formatted for Sparta Dos, which does not work. This one is formatted for Atari DOS which does work.

Mach Ten Menu, Blank.zip

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BASIC Menu Disk 00001 (Atari Dos , SSSD) - This is the first BASIC menu disk as I found it. It has the commercial version of Crypts of Terror and a couple other games and utilities.  But what you should really note is that it uses a menu program called Load It (this will be posted in the next post).

BASIC Menu Disk 00001 (Atari Dos , SSSD).zip


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Load it - Menu loader for BASIC programs - I found this GEM on the disk of the previous post.  It is a menu program for the purpose of loading BASIC programs.  I spent a few hours messing around with it and this archive provides blank media using Atari DOS (SSSD, SSED), MyDOS (SSSD,SSED,SSDD,DSDD) and Sparta DOS X (SSSD,SSED,SSDD,DSDD).  They all auto boot.  For Sparta DOS X, you need to use a version of Sparta that makes use of the AUTOGO text file.  I tested it with 4.49.  Go look at the documentation if you are not familiar with AUTOGO.

Load it.zip





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Miniatur Golf Plus Data Disk Course Disk #1 (non-original, not protected) - This is what was written on the disk.  I tried to load in Mini Golf Plus but was unable to.  Not sure what it is.

Miniature Golf Plus Data Disk Course Disk #1 (non-original, not protected).zip

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3 hours ago, SoulBuster said:

Twisted Forest (non-original, not protected) - I never heard of this one before.  It boots like an Infocom game, but no credit to Infocom is shown.  I booted all the Infocom games in the archive and none of them show a "Twisted Forest" at the beginning.  It is not listed in the preservation archive, not listed on Atari Mania and Google shows nothing about it.  Anybody know anything about it?



This is Sorcerer. IIRC, the title appears after you type in a few commands.

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