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5200 Controllers


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I've owned a 5200 for three months now, and do not find the controllers to be a pain when playing games. Pac-Man, which seems to get alot of complaints, is actually one of my favorites. so here is the question.


Do you think people hate the controllers for the control, or the reliability. I'll admit the reliability is a joke, it took me a week to finally get them re-built to a point where I could use them for more then a day at a time. (The password is, tin-foil and super glue) But now that they always work when I pick them up and play for an hour or two, I do not mind the control of them one bit. This is the first time in 7 years I have played video games on a regular basis. All thanks to the 5200.

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I like the controllers. I started out with a 5200, so I'm not the most impartial. :D I think controller is a bit hard with some games, but Pac-Man has never given me a hard time. That seems to be one that most everyone agrees about, saying it should be digital. Or that you'd be better off with a digital stick. Thing is you don't control down the maze, only when making turns. So it's easy to select the path you're going prior to hitting that critical point.


I think alot of the bad vibes about the 5200 controllers come from people who don't even own a 5200. Just people agreeing with a few sore loosers, like those Coleco guys. :P

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I too like 5200 sticks.

For most purposes.


I'll agree analog isn't for everything. A lot of stuff it doesn't matter, and some plays a lot better with analog, but some sucks as analog.




Pac-Man and Qix are 2 major offenders in my book.


It's actually more a code problem than a controller problem, really. I tend to roll the stick, and both games "stick" on the diagonals. Qix keeps going the old direction untill you get out of the corner, and if I recall PacMan actually stops dead in his tracks. Sort of an inverse QBert problem.

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It's actually more a code problem than a controller problem, really. I tend to roll the stick, and both games "stick" on the diagonals.  Qix keeps going the old direction untill you get out of the corner, and if I recall PacMan actually stops dead in his tracks. Sort of an inverse QBert problem.


Hmmm... Pacman can't stop in his tracks.. unless of course you hit a wall and you don't move him. 5200 Qix can get a little sticky, but I think 5200 Pacman does a good job with the analog control which has to be a result of the programming and giving enough leeway for using them. :)


Count me in as a kid who liked his 5200 sticks but hated the reliability. I would've always used them for every game.. but they were always broken! And the worst thing was it was usually the START button.. so I couldn't even START my damn games :(

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I like the stock controllers, but for games like Pac-Man, I like using the Pro Line controllers or the WICO sticks with the centering on. Of course there is also the Masterplay.


The bottom line is that there are a lot of control alternatives out there for the 5200 for those who do not like the stock controllers. The biggest gripe I've ever had over the stock controllers is how easily they break. If you want a laugh, try playing 5200 Decathlon with the stock controllers. ;)

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Yeah, but on the other hand, they are great (when working) for open-field games like Centipede & Missile Command.  :)

Yes. 5200 Missile Command is pretty much the best thing this side of a good trackball(and if I had a 5200 trackball...).

My one gripe is that there's only one missile base, despite 14 controller buttons.


Ah well...

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I had Qix for my original 5200 I owned back in the day. I played it all the freakin' time. I never had any problem with the controllers with that game.


Now that I'm all growed up, and have a new replacement 5200, I can play some games I didn't have back then. One of these is Pac Man, constantly ridiculed for its horrible control.


Oddly, I had no problem whatsoever despite not having used a 5200 controller in somewhere near 15 years. The control was pinpoint precise, and it was the same way on Jr Pac too.


Now, Super Pac had some control glitching going on. Super Pac controls VERY loose, but that is the only 5200 game I've played where I feel the control is really poor. And I'd ascribe that one to the way the controller was programmed rather than the merit of the controller itself.


However, the 5200 controller does deserve its reputation for unreliability. Then again, there are other controllers out there that are equally unreliable.

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I think the controllers are great (control-wise) I never had a problem with the non-centering, a few games though it would have made it a little better (frogger, qbert come to mind). I think Pacman is BETTER with the 5200 sticks. I personally never cared for the 2600 sticks because of their stiffness - It kills the hand/arm after a while.

Granted, the reliability is an issue. The buttons tend to not work after a while.

Actually, both Robotron and Space Dungeon are games where the 5200 controller really shines imho. ( I posted about this the other day but got no replys about it! boo-hoo :sad: ) but you have to have the dual controller holder, which is hard to come by these days.

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Actually,  both Robotron and Space Dungeon are games where the 5200 controller really shines imho.  ( I posted about this the other day but got no replys about it!  boo-hoo  :sad: )  but you have to have the dual controller holder,  which is hard to come by these days.



I actually had a kludged together controller for a while. Made it out of 2 semi-working 5200 sticks, cardboard, and a lot of tape.


Cardboard flexes too much. :(

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