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thrust+: NOW DELIVERED !!!!


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yes. i have sent out all games by saturday afternoon!!!


mission ...... nearly accomplished :P


i just have to find some trade items i am missing right now to send out one more box, and i am trying to find out what happened to marty a.k.a. atari70ies a.k.a. J&P .... any idea anyone? he payed for his game, but not for shipping ....


@randy: yes, sent to your actual adress and allready on the way.

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atari70s ended up ripping a few members off including me before dissapearing.. ebay his copy and make yourself some cash jah


not bad, but not the best idea.


i will send the copy to albert, and give atari70s the change to pick it up there. of course - in solidarity with the AA members - only if he manages to get his other deals straight! so if you read this marty, get in touch with the others and get you sh** straight and then grab your thrust plus! people won't kill you! see, i'm still alive!





if he doesn't, we'll sell that one too after the remaining sets have gone.


if you still want one of the 5 remaining sets, you can reserve your copy now with a PM or an email to jahfish@subotageDELETETHIS.com. you be noticed when the games will have arrived at the Atariage Headquaters and then get further instructions from albert, handling the sale.



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hello again.


ok for liquid sky( which i heard died i believe about 5 months ago. hearing you in here im glad your still with us) i know the POBOX didnt work for you so i never recieved payment and if i remember you said you got your money back anyway. so you got you cash back and i still have my system here in my room. To be very honest at the moment i dont even have a list of who ordered what or when. at this point i would have to say i recieved just about everyones money and if people want to email me what they ordered and i can match up an adress to the pile of envelopes i have ( theres about 40 or so of them) and i can have soem varify of what you ordered ( should still be in the envelope i can do something about it. until then i wont be able to do much of anything. only way i even heard of anything to do with the post here came from Crossbow. if you the people that are owed stuff can email me wiht the info adress and items and i can match it up i can help fix things. even if i just find a paper with the list of what you ordered dont nessary have to have the envelope i can help fix that. but i know for some this isnt what you wnat to hear. and im sure you wont be happy with it. but its been at least 9 months since my last pst and god only knows how long since the orders were lost. ( no need to count exact days) but this is the only way i can get this strait once and for al so i can move on with life. and this has nothing to do with jah cause i had no trouble with dealigns with him. but sems like whenever i post about this how long ago i never get any Emails for the people except liquid sky ( up until i heard he died) then i stopped hearing from him. noone else bothers to email me with info adresses or what was ordered. when that happens there isnt much i can do. i know someone ordered C64 disks . someone ordered the 59 atari 800 cassettes. and someone ordered a atari 2600 with a few games ( 16) thats all i have here. and then a bunch of empty envelopes. also i have the items from liquid sky when was voided when the money wasnt arrived and he got his money back from the post office. which i sense nulled the deal. other than that you all (1,000+ memebers feel like EMailing me go right ahead i know of 4 deals at the moment 3 that i can see should still be activie . but no clue who ordered what so if you wnat to fix this im gonna need soem input. now if i get 3 people claiming one item i doubt i had 3 2600s with exactly 16 games cause i never have the same amount per system. mostly i do lots or just a system . this was soemthing that was custom. ok i said my piece lets see if people this time EMail me back



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I'm not mad any more about paying money for a game I did not get and if I am still alive when I receive it!, then that would be great, but I will never buy any atari items unless its through Atariage, ebay or any of the other big name places that I know I will get what I pay for.


Jah, just send me my game, then you and I will be straight.


:roll: |icon_innocent.gif:!:

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but I will never buy any atari items unless its through Atariage, ebay or any of the other big name places that I know I will get what I pay for.


I said the same thing after the Core fiasco but here I am finding myself in the same boat again.


Hopefully I will be able to post later tha tmy package arrived.

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So, how many  have yet to be recieved?


i should be getting mine soon, along with the trade items! also my package has these 2 in them:

T#10 joel park SENT 9/17

T#14 Russ Perry Jr SENT 9/17


@Joel,Russ, will ship out priority mail ASAP once i get them! will LYK.


Fish told me it cost 140$ to ship the BIG package airmail! (russ you need to stop buying lead sinkers in bulk from Fish! they do sell them in the USA) J/K!! :D


Take care,



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