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What was the last 5200 release?

video game addict

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Just got to wondering. Seems there were many projects that never materialized, of which we now have many protos or repos to enjoy. :) But of released titles which ones were the last to come out? Just going by copyright dates on the boxes Gremlins was in 1986. But did any beat that one as a later release?


Also kind OT, I just realized one of my controller boxes is dated 1987. It's also got an EB sticker of $34.99 :lol: Did any 5200 accessories have a later release on them? I'm guessing they did several runs on most accessories. I have 2 controller boxes, and the other is from 1983. But 1987 seems to be the latest date I can find among my things. Any 5200 stuff from 1988-90?

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Why would Atari be producing 5200 stuff in '86 when they released the 2600 Jr and the 7800? If they were, then they should have dumped the XEGS in favor of a 5200 Jr.


Atari was strange that way. It would be interesting to see a timeline showing when Atari systems were introduced and then ultimately abandoned. I bet you'd see a ton of overlap with the various game systems and computers they supported. I don't think they were very good at focusing on just one or two product lines. :)


As for the last 5200 cartridge released, I do not know what that might be. It should be relatively easy to determine what the last 5200 title from Atari was, but one of the third-party companies may hold the honor of actually releasing the last game for the 5200.



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AFAIK the last original 5200 released was Gremlins which didn't see release until 1986 (although it was done in 84 and ready to go). I believe the last 5200 game released back during the 5200's actual life span was Choplifter.



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Gremlins was re-released in around 1986, along with Ballblazer and Fractalis (Which were the last games released). Before this Gremlins was hard to find as it was only available from Pepsi-Cola or Atari directly.


Somehow I thought that Ballblazer and RoF were released back in 84, I could be wrong though. Was Atari selling Gremlins directly? Interesting... Why would Pepsi have it as well?



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Pepsi-Cola?? Are there details online somewhere?


Also if it did have an earlier release, are there alternate boxes, with lower copyright dates? 1984 maybe?


Mine is:


1984 Warner Bros.


Both my Ballblazer and Fractalus boxes are the 1984 releases, but I assumed this is the only boxes for these.

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Both my Ballblazer and Fractalus boxes are the 1984 releases, but I assumed this is the only boxes for these.


No I had an 84 Rof. I don't know if I kept that one or the 86 version (the copyright text on each was slightly different which is why I noticed). I'll have to check when I get home.


Also if it did have an earlier release, are there alternate boxes, with lower copyright dates? 1984 maybe?


I have never seen an 84 Gremlins.




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Tempest, are you saying you had a Fractalus cart dated 1984?


Both the Lucasfilm carts I have are 1986 copyrights, but the boxes & manuals have 1984 copyrights.


These two as well as Vanguard, which also had a 1986 copyright were released without titles on cart. I've seen people refer to these as the 1986 titles, like they all were released without titles, but never as 1984 releases.

The 1984 release of Vanguard does have a title on cart. I have never seen a Lucasfilm cart with a title, but thats not to say some weren't also released in 1984 with the box & manuals.



I also have a 1986 Pole Position box, but the cart & manual inside is from 1983? I thought I got it new, so I'm unsure if I mixed something up somewhere or if this was the was it was done.

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Tempest, are you saying you had a Fractalus cart dated 1984?  


Both the Lucasfilm carts I have are 1986 copyrights, but the boxes & manuals have 1984 copyrights.  



Yes I swear I remember having a 1984 copyright cart. Like I said I only noticed because the copyright text was different. I'll double check tonight.



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Why would Atari be producing 5200 stuff in '86 when they released the 2600 Jr and the 7800? If they were, then they should have dumped the XEGS in favor of a 5200 Jr.


My guess it was a case of Atari dumping old stock that never shipped

in the turmoil of 1984. I bet the change of corp & inc was the only

reason they bothered updated the copyright date.


Are there any 5200 diehards who recall seeing Gremlins and other

new releases pop up unexpectedly?

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The deal was if you sent in a certian amount of labels from 2 liter Pepsi bottles you could get a Gremlins game free (2600 or 5200). I sent for the 2600 version as I did not yet have a 5200. When the crash happened very few 2600 gremlins made it into retial stores. I think that the only 5200 versions around were from pepsi.

Around 1986 was the first I ever saw 5200 ballblazer and Fractallis (not counting to 5200 ballblazer proto I bought from Video Game Products. The boxes had a different look to them. Around this time 5200 Gremlins suddenly became available direct from Atari ( for only $ 5.95). I think all the Gremlins boxes were the old style.

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