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Utopia for the Atari 5200


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Okay, it's official - I've sorta put my game "Xatta" on hold. It was a great learning experience, but it was more of a chore to program because it wasn't anything I felt really strong about creating. So, I've switched gears and started rewriting my all time favorite game. Below is just a mock-up, but it's a real 5200 screen (and will change heavily before it's done). Maybe I'll complete this one :)






I'm adding some new twists into the game to make it more challenging as well.



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What an interesting project! I must admit, I never played the Apple or Intellivision versions. The 5200 deserves a complex pre-Sims game like this one.


I've attached a pic of the Intellivision one which I suppose won't last long with the server change...


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I don't even have the INTV version of Utopia.


What exactly is it about? What are the objectives of the game?


Good luck if you can pull it off successfully on the 5200! :D


What.. you've never played Utopia? I would buy an Intellivision just for this game. I played this way into the 90s (and into my 20s) with a friend of mine. Usually by the end, we were wishing there was more rounds and more to do (we ended up doing nothing but filling the screen with fishing boats by the end).


Basically, you and an opponent control an island. Your goal is to make your people happy and healthy, and while your people are happy and healthy, you make more money. More money, buy more stuff, etc. Pretty much like a normal RTS game.


You bought housing developments that would house up to 500 people. You would plant crops that would be watered by occasional rainstorms (and subsequently make you more money). The crops would die after a few rounds. You had factories that made you more money but polluted, but the more hospitals you had would offset this somewhat. Schools would educate your people, you bought fishing boats and chased after fish around the screen. The more you stayed on the fish, the more money you got (and you fed your people). Forts would protect your cities from rebels - bandits that would show up if your people were unhappy, or gangs that were "bought" by your opponents). You could by PT boats that would sink your opponents fishing boats if you were playing against each other.


The weather was fun.. you would have 3 types - normal rain that would water your crops, tropical storms that would water your crops, but had a chance of destroying anything it touched, and hurricanes. Hurricanes many times suddenly would come on the screen, sinking ships, destroying your developments.


At the end of up to 50 rounds (120 secs each max), the person with the most points would win. Not that it really mattered, you were playing just to play pretty much.


Awesome game, check it out.



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You could by PT boats that would sink your opponents fishing boats if you were playing against each other.



"Ed, fire the cruise misslie."

"But captain, it's just a fisherman in a canoe!"

"I don't care. I wanna blow something up."

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Please allow me to express my disappointment. I LOVE Attaxx and to my knowledge it was never ported to any home systems. :sad:


Oh well, c'est la vie.


Best of luck on your Utopia project! :)

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I actually picked up an Ataxx pcb on ebay recently to play on a supernova. Saidly it doesn't want to sync up to any of my TVs. :( Looks like I might have to shell out for a true Jamma cab before long. :)


It looks like a neat game, and I too was looking forward to seeing it on a 5200. I like to see fresh ideas in homebrews. Ports from other classic systems are nice too, but unless it vastly improves upon the original, it's probably not worth the effort IMHO. I know alot of people don't own every classic system, but alot of us are close. ;)

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Please allow me to express my disappointment. I LOVE Attaxx and to my knowledge it was never ported to any home systems. :sad:


Oh well, c'est la vie.  


Best of luck on your Utopia project! :)


It's not a "dead" project, it's an "on hold indefinetly" project. The problem was, I was about 70% done or so, and the game was.. well too easy. I would have to reprogram it from scratch to get the results I wanted. I started doing this, and got pretty far, but after starting it all over from scratch, I got burnt out. Maybe give me a break on it and I'll finish it.


Here's a screenshot of the last Xatta build (5/18/03)





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I actually picked up an Ataxx pcb on ebay recently to play on a supernova. Saidly it doesn't want to sync up to any of my TVs. :(  Looks like I might have to shell out for a true Jamma cab before long. :)  


If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for it? I've been looking for a decently priced Attaxx board for quite some time.


And IIRC doesn't Attaxx need a fingerboard to make it Jamma compatible? That might have something to do with your sync issue if the pins aren't what the Supernova thinks they are.


Edit: Yep, it needs a fingerboard: http://www.klov.com/game_detail.php?letter...=A&game_id=6960

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Okay, it's official - I've sorta put my game "Xatta" on hold.  It was a great learning experience, but it was more of a chore to program because it wasn't anything I felt really strong about creating.  So, I've switched gears and started rewriting my all time favorite game.  Below is just a mock-up, but it's a real 5200 screen (and will change heavily before it's done).  Maybe I'll complete this one :)






I'm adding some new twists into the game to make it more challenging as well.




First thing, cool. Can't wait 'til it is done. I will be first in line to buy a copy. Just to show that I live under a rock, I did not know for sure what game it was :ponder: , I thought it was Lords of Conquest or Empire deluxe. Thanks for the hard work your doing. Maybe when you are done with Utopia and Xatta, maybe consider modifying the playfield for LOC or Empire. I would forever be in your debt... :)

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Okay, it's official - I've sorta put my game "Xatta" on hold.  It was a great learning experience, but it was more of a chore to program because it wasn't anything I felt really strong about creating.  So, I've switched gears and started rewriting my all time favorite game.  Below is just a mock-up, but it's a real 5200 screen (and will change heavily before it's done).  Maybe I'll complete this one :)


I'm adding some new twists into the game to make it more challenging as well.




First thing, cool. Can't wait 'til it is done. I will be first in line to buy a copy. Just to show that I live under a rock, I did not know for sure what game it was :ponder: , I thought it was Lords of Conquest or Empire deluxe. Thanks for the hard work your doing. Maybe when you are done with Utopia and Xatta, maybe consider modifying the playfield for LOC or Empire. I would forever be in your debt... :)


Now I'm going to be the one under the rock here! I haven't heard of Lord of Conquest, and only vaguely of Empire (unless you're talking the old BBS game :D). Got a link to em?



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[quote name=


Now I'm going to be the one under the rock here! I haven't heard of Lord of Conquest' date=' and only vaguely of Empire (unless you're talking the old BBS game :D). Got a link to em?




Sorry, just thinking out loud... Lords of conquest was an old Commodore 64 / Apple game that puts you against another player on a predrawn or random continents to win segments with gold, iron, horses, or lumber to build ships, cannons, and armies. It is kinda like Risk, but simple and fun to play. Should fit in a 32k cart if designed. Being a C64 game, it was joystick controlled.


Empire Deluxe is similar in design, but a lot more complex. Again, hours upon hours of play. It was a game on most computer platforms, but simple enough that it could be ported to a console. All sorts of ships, planes, etc. on a similar map you have drawn for Utopia. Man, I gotta learn how to program these things. You, Cafeman, and the rest are inspiring...


Couldn't find a good link on these, but some partial links came up on Yahoo!


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I figure if I post updates in here, I'll motivate myself to keep coding :)

Attached is the current "ROM" file. I use JUM 0.7 to do my emulation, I noticed that some emulators cannot understand my joystick routine. If it's like this on the real 5200, I guess I'll change it :)


Here's what you can do in the demo:


Number keys 0-9 followed by the "#" key will allow you to build the corosponding item on the island. There is no checking to see if it's your island or not.


Moving the cursor onto the boat and pushing the main firebutton allows you to control the boat. Pressing the firebutton again releases it.


Yes, the boat moves too fast. Yes it's buggy. And yes the islands will change shape soon enough (so that the boat can move around the island and the buildings line up right) ;)




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Here's another update. Player 1 is the only one that works currently, I can easily add the second player later. All 3 types of boats (yes, 3, not 2 like in the original) are selectable. Currently, you have to click the left side of the boat to get them to work. This isn't a bug, but a way to get around something I don't feel like programming yet :) You can place items on the first island now only, and cost is calculated for each item.


Next step will be adding in the ability to purchase boats and build offshore oil platforms (yes, another addition).


After that, pirate ships! :)




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