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I'm facing a very hard decision...


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I'm getting frustrated with my 800XL because games for it are so hard to find at a good price. I'm considering selling my 800XL and replacing it with a 5200.  :sad:  What do you guys think?


Well, one cool thing is that you can at least play games you don't own originals of (if you're inclined to such a thing... |icon_innocent.gif ). With the 5200 you have to own'em to play'em. If I had to choose, I'd take the XL any day. If you're mainly into building a pretty cartridge collection, then is the 5200 really easier to buy for?



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I think games are about as common for both machines actually. I haven't kept up with ebay numbers, But I always see lots of 8-bit carts & 5200 carts as well. Nowhere near the numbers you see for the 2600, but they are still readily available if you got the money to spend. Most of the really common games are cheap on both, so it's really just with the rarites when you can drop alot of money. I'd say the 8-bit has many more cheap games and you can pick up the SIO2PC cable thingie and play any game that way for the 8-bits. 800XL uses standard controllers as well, so it's cheaper/easier that way too.

I really like owning both. :D With the exception of a few games, all can be played on the 8-bit, plus many more that was never released on the 5200. So it's really hard to recommend getting rid of a 800XL in favor of the 5200, even thou I love it too. Decisions decisions!

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Why not keep the 800xl AND get a 5200?


Overall, 8-bit commons aren't any harder or more expensive to acquire than 5200 commons. By swaping one system for the other, you'll be playing a zero-sum game, more or less.


As vga said, the 8-bits have many games that were never released on the 5200--Donkey Kong and Asteroids to name a few (both dead common). Plus, you can play countless disk based games.


IMO, the 5200 is absolutely worth owning, but not if it means parting with an 800xl.

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With the 5200 you have to own'em to play'em.  



Actually not anymore......



Well, okay, but for the price of the MaxiCart you can have a pretty nice XL system. As much as I like the 5200, I don't play many things on it because I can't stand the sticks (not to start another 5200 joystick thread).



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I'm getting frustrated with my 800XL because games for it are so hard to find at a good price. I'm considering selling my 800XL and replacing it with a 5200.  :sad:  What do you guys think?


I think you are insane! Getting rid of an Atari item? I did this once .. I sold my Atari Stunt Cycle to a kid down the street because I was moving. Dumb!


Well I could sell you my spare 8-bit Crossfire cart and that would make you keep your Atari XL.


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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Keep your XL, get an SIO2PC cable (well worth it) and if you cannot keep your computer close to your atari get a Maxi-Cart and load it up with the games you are currently playing.


I personally collect for the 5200 but when it comes to use... My 130xeg gets all the action.


Well technically my gp32 via emulation does, but if I didn't have that I'd be using the XEG.

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Yep.. I would say stay with the XL and keep on pushing!


I had collected about every single 5200 game then finally got some controllers.... then I sold the whole thing on eBay.... :)

(if that tells you anything)


Not that the machine is bad, but the 800 is sooo much better (IMO)




Clint Thompson

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If I had to choose between an Atari 8-bit computer and the 5200 the 8-bit would win no questions asked. There are so many more games for the 8-bit that it's not even fair to make a comparison. Not only that, but you get to use the stock 2600 controllers with the 8-bit, making games much easier to play than on the 5200 (at lesat without some type of adapter).


There are tons of cartridge based 8-bit games, and many many more disk-based games. Getting an SIO2PC cable makes it very easy to load software from a PC, and there are several multi-carts and RAM carts available now on the 8-bit as well. To say nothing of all the cool hardware you can get for 8-bits.


One other nice thing about the 8-bit computers (at least the 800XL and 130XE) is you can make an s-video cable for them quite easily, giving you an exceptional picture compared to the RF output of the 5200. Plus, the 8-bits are smaller in size. :)



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HOwever, there are some games on the 8 bit that are actually better on the 5200.  Qix for one.
And always remember, when all else is equal, the 5200's a LOT sexier than anything else around.


Alot bigger too... :lol:


There are supposed to be some adapters coming out that will let you use different joysticks with the 5200 as well. If your willing to cough up the money for those, that is a consideration.

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Does the computer port of 5200 Qix use the keyboard for the fire buttons?


I've always used a joystick with this version of the game.


There's only one button. Qix uses two.


Given there's some 50-odd buttons less than a foot away, compromising the game by using 1 button is nothing less than criminal.

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