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beware of the cosmic ark in atlantis clothing


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For the past 12 years i have thought that I was playing atlantis, turns out that I was wrong. during the past dozen years I have ran into a couple of people who used to play atlantis. when in discussion with them they would always say that is not the game i played. I would just brush it off as though they hadnt played it in awhile. recently though I bought a blue label variation of the game, I pluged it in in found out it had totally different graphics. Eureka, I have found atlantis 2!!! I go to atariage to look at some screen shots of atlantis 2. too my suprise atlantis 2 looks just like atlantis :( . Then all of the sudden I feel like neo in the matrix. My original atlantis is not atlantis at all,but another game enitirely. I go to the imagic section and start looking at screen shots. when I get to comic ark it is the game that I have been playing all along that I thought was atlantis :x . In so many words I have just found out that my atlantis cart is really cosmic ark. Out of this I have 2 questions. 1. Has anyone else had a video game they played that was not that video game and not know for over 12 years :x . 2. is this screw up by imagic worth any money? the game is a text label that says atlantis on it and it is ntsc.

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Hey there,


Welcome to Atariage!


I have had this happen to me once before, but I did not go on believing that the game was the one labeled for over 12 years.


The cart is a nice novelty with a nice story behind it and to you should be priceless. Despite that, I'm afraid it is not worth anymore than the price of an Atlantis or Cosmic Ark cart because it is pretty easy to switch PCBs from one cart to another as long as the casing is the same.


Now for the $1,000,000 question: You are in a unique position here. Now that you have had a chance to actually play both Cosmic Ark and Atlantis, which title made a better Atlantis? Which game do you like more? Both are classic games.

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looking at atlantis graphics reminds me of other games of this genre like M.A.D. after playing it for a little bit it seems all you do is fire from the ground. Cosmic Ark on the other hand is more involved where you have to fire at asteroids and pic up creatures with your space ship. It also could be that I like cosmic ark better because I have had it for over twelve years. More time with anything usually will bring more fondness. the homer avator looks cool but not quite what im looking for.

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Does this mean that he has the version of Atlantis that was used in competition for a prize hosted by representatives of Imagic? I thought that the version used for the contest was valuable given the fact that it was only used for the contest or am I getting confused by another version of Atlantis that was released later after the original version? :ponder:

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nah- if what he says is true....he just got a screwed up cart with the wrong label on it...lol.



probably worth something to the right collector though.


You should just hang on to it, great story...gotta be worth more to you now than what it would be to someone else.





Mock :D

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12 years and you were playing a game that wasn't really what you thought it was?




It's probably worth keeping just for that reason alone.


Now you don't have to worry about what game you're playing anymore..now that you've seen screenshots of the correct Atlantis.

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