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Side3 RTC and Spartados X


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I received my Side3 a few weeks ago, and I am trying to figure out how to get the RTC to work with Spartados X 4.49.


Inside the loader, the date and time are correct, but when I do CTRL-X and go to Spartados, and do date/time the values are the "Default" values for spartados X.


When I look at CAR:  config.sys, there is a side3.sys in there, but no side3clk.sys


My "boot" drive is D3:, which is an APT partition on the Side3.


There is no config.sys on D3.  There is an autoexec.bat but no references to Side3 / RTC.


When I look at the CAR: directory under spartados, there is a file side3clk.sys but I cannot copy it to D3.


What is the proper way to setup/use the RTC so that spartados can get the correct date/time from the Side3 RTC?



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6 hours ago, Gitbizy said:

I received my Side3 a few weeks ago, and I am trying to figure out how to get the RTC to work with Spartados X 4.49.


Inside the loader, the date and time are correct, but when I do CTRL-X and go to Spartados, and do date/time the values are the "Default" values for spartados X.


When I look at CAR:  config.sys, there is a side3.sys in there, but no side3clk.sys


My "boot" drive is D3:, which is an APT partition on the Side3.


There is no config.sys on D3.  There is an autoexec.bat but no references to Side3 / RTC.++

When I look at the CAR: directory under spartados, there is a file side3clk.sys but I cannot copy it to D3.


What is the proper way to setup/use the RTC so that spartados can get the correct date/time from the Side3 RTC?



The CAR: device only has 1 buffer which is insufficient for copying files, the post linked below has a workaround using the TYPE command.


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10 minutes ago, BillC said:

The CAR: device only has 1 buffer which is insufficient for copying files, the post linked below has a workaround using the TYPE command.


Thanks, I will try that.


how do I make spartados use the config.sys file on the d3: (c) drive instead of using the one on CAR:?

I’m presuming you suggest that I copy the side3clk.says to d3: and then put that file in config.says on d3?


Edited by Gitbizy
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18 minutes ago, Gitbizy said:

Thanks, I will try that.


how do I make spartados use the config.sys file on the d3: (c) drive instead of using the one on CAR:?

I’m presuming you suggest that I copy the side3clk.says to d3: and then put that file in config.says on d3?


I don't know if you actually need to move the side3clk.sys to D3:, try just editing your config.sys on D3: to use CAR:side3clk.sys.




Edited by BillC
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1 hour ago, BillC said:

I don't know if you actually need to move the side3clk.sys to D3:, try just editing your config.sys on D3: to use CAR:side3clk.sys.




I don’t have a config sys on D3 but I will put one there and try your recommendation above.  Will report back soon.

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3 hours ago, Gitbizy said:

I don’t have a config sys on D3 but I will put one there and try your recommendation above.  Will report back soon.

You should - please read chapter 8.3 in the user guide to see what can be achieved. For most users there is not really a need to change anything in the CONFIG.SYS on the CAR device. Nearly everything can be managed by a .SYS in the subdirectory SPARTA.DOS on the boot medium. It offers up to 19 choices to be placed there for a customized CONFIG.SYS.


Besides, the driver is already noted in the CONFIG.SYS on SIDE3. See attached screenshot.

Screenshot 2022-01-29 08-19-36.png

Edited by GoodByteXL
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Here's a config.sys residing on my boot drive:-

Works fine for me across Side2 and SIDE3


DEVICE ULTIME ; This is the clock driver



The DOSKEY for using ALIASES is commented out as I found it to be a bit buggy


I also use an AUTOEXEC.BAT, nothing to do with the clock, but sets my system to my preferences.


SET SCRDEF=2,141,0,0
ECHO "D5: D6: D7: D8: D9:"

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Is there a link to how to update the spartadosX on the Side3?


I have searched google unsuccessfully.


I downloaded the brand new 4.49g and put all The files on a fat32 drive and put it in the side3 but how do I get the side3 to update its CAR to 4.49g?

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15 minutes ago, Gitbizy said:

Is there a link to how to update the spartadosX on the Side3?


I have searched google unsuccessfully.


I downloaded the brand new 4.49g and put all The files on a fat32 drive and put it in the side3 but how do I get the side3 to update its CAR to 4.49g?

The latest beta downloads are here:



Be absolutely sure to download only the correct version for your hardware (there are a LOT of choices)!

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19 minutes ago, DrVenkman said:

The latest beta downloads are here:



Be absolutely sure to download only the correct version for your hardware (there are a LOT of choices)!


I did download those but I do not know how to get them to "flash" on top of the current SIDE3 CAR: rom



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4 minutes ago, Gitbizy said:

I did download those but I do not know how to get them to "flash" on top of the current SIDE3 CAR: rom

There should be an ATR which you can mount on your SIO2xxx device. Boot the machine into SDX (on the SIDE3), then either type 'COLD /N' to boot the ATR, or run the flashing tool at the DOS prompt.


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3 minutes ago, flashjazzcat said:

There should be an ATR which you can mount on your SIO2xxx device. Boot the machine into SDX (on the SIDE3), then either type 'COLD /N' to boot the ATR, or run the flashing tool at the DOS prompt.


Thanks FJC. I hate to presume, but is the flashing tool (utility) on that ATR partition?


Thank you all for your patience.


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1 minute ago, Stephen said:

As mentioned, it is much easier to simply create a directory named sparta.dos on your boot drive and place alternate config.sys files there.

This won't work with the SIDE cartridges unless the machine has U1MB PBI support, though, since on 'stand alone' cart setups, the CONFIG.SYS on the CAR: device is responsible for loading the HDD driver which provides access to the hard disk. I believe the 'MERGE' command can be employed on U1MB-less setups, but I haven't had occasion to look into it. If the user has U1MB, of course, the SPARTA.DOS folder works just fine.

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12 hours ago, TGB1718 said:

DEVICE ULTIME ; This is the clock driver

That is the clock driver for the U1MB, DEVICE SIDE3CLK is the driver to use for the SIDE3 standalone(no U1MB installed).



I don't have a SIDE3 but do have the original SIDE. I added a SIDE3 device in Altirra 4.0 and flashed the correct SDX 4.49G to it, after a TD ON(and a RESET because it didn't display, maybe a bug in Altirra?) the current time/date is displayed in SDX.



Edited by BillC
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Update: downloaded the 4.49g Side3 image


using my sio2sd v2, I mounted the ATR


booted up

Did a directory on the 4.49g and there was flasher.com


ran flasher.com



4.49g now has the latest Side3 drivers - base side3 and also side3clk preconfigured in config.sys - right out of the box


so now my RTC works perfectly!


thanks my Atari friends for all your help and input.



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  • 1 year later...
3 minutes ago, reifsnyderb said:

Is there a way to upgrade SpartaDOS-X on a SIDE3 without being able to mount the ATR and/or having a U1MB?

No, but if you want a stand-alone XEX flasher you can run directly from the loader (just as you would when upgrading the loader itself), let me know and I'll see if I can put one together.


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56 minutes ago, flashjazzcat said:

No, but if you want a stand-alone XEX flasher you can run directly from the loader (just as you would when upgrading the loader itself), let me know and I'll see if I can put one together.


If I understand correctly, I will be able to copy the XEX flasher (and SpartaDOSX ROM image) onto the SD card, insert the SD card into the the SIDE3, run the XEX flasher, and upgrade SpartaDOSX?  This would be great and a big help to those of use who have the SIDE3 cartridge but don't have a way to mount the ATR.  Thanks!  Is this a case of either converting an already existing program or adding a new feature to the program?

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