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And now for my next trick...

Andrew Davie

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Since I truly am near the end of the line as far as Qb deliveries go, I can now seriously consider writing another '2600 title. Up till now I've been morally unable to seriously develop another game.


But now, the floodgates are about to open!


I thought I'd gauge interest in the current projects I'm interested in myself, and see which might prove the most popular.


1) Fu Kung! A full-colour large sprite two player fighter game.

2) BoulderDash - a game of similar design which could never be released - you'd only see screenshots and systems demos. If/when the copyright owners gave permission perhaps a crippled playable demo. But basically only a technology proof of concept. I'd never be able to release/sell carts or binary of this.

3) Dance Dance Revoulution - a project in conjunction with Paul Slocum and Chris Tumber featuring the large colour sprite technology (Interleaved Chronocolour )

5) enCore - remember Paul Oswood? The idea of this one is to program a game of similar design using what's still known about the original Core design.

6) Don't write a game - finish your '2600 book!

7) Something else




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I would most like to see a version of Boulderdash, but only if I could actually get my own copy!  What's the story with that one?


My second choice is Fu Kung!


Boulderdash is a copyrighted product belonging to First Star Software. They own and rightly rigorously enforce their copyright of the game. It might be possible to legally program a clone of the game for personal use but it most certainly wouldn't be possible to release it or try to sell it without their blessing.


So my interest in the game is purely to show it can be done, and how it could be done technically. It would be a bit weird. Writing a game which could never be sold, nor given away :)

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finish fu kung! and lets re-open that forum.


Im sick of seeing that same thing in the subject line onthe main menu


It will soon be opened back up, and will be hidden from the main menu because it'll be nested as a sub-forum under the "Homebrew Development" forum. This will happen when we make the switch to the new forum software soon (something I am actively working on now).



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My thoughts on what you should do next:


1) I'm not a fighting game fan, so even though the technology you have developed for Fu Kung! is great, it's not a game I'd probably play. I don't have a single fighting game in my collection for any modern systems.


2) BoulderDash is one of my favorite Atari 8-bit games, so it would be a blast to see a version on the 2600. I understand there are licensing problems here, and that you don't want to do a "BoulderDash-Like" game if those problems cannot be resolved.


3) Dance Dance Revoulution - I think this would be great, I'd love to see this explored further. I think a simple DDR-style game could be done well on the 2600, although the songs wouldn't have quite the fidelity that they do on the PS2 or arcade. :)


4) Thrust++ - If you do this, I will not sell it in the AA store. ;)


5) enCore - I cannot support this project due to the horrible pun.


6) I definitely think you should finish the book. I also believe you can do this while working on another project. Perhaps a game could become an integral part of the book, as in, "You're going to see the development process of a game from start to finish..."


7) "Something else" - If you do something else I think it should be an original idea instead of a port of a game from another platform. The 2600 has a huge number of ports, there must still be some original ideas left.



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Hi Andrew!


Whatever you do, I know it'll be excellent stuff. :cool:


I'm a bit tied between Fu Kung! and DDR.

(Well, if you're going to recycle that ugly fat baby for DDR again, I'm 100% for Fu Kung!)


enCore might be nice as well, since it might give you lots of freedom for some rather unique playing modes.


Other than that, I'd immediately buy your book. It's just, I personally don't need it that much, so I'm not really holding my breath for it... :wink:




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2) BoulderDash - a game of similar design which could never be released - you'd only see screenshots and systems demos.  If/when the copyright owners gave permission perhaps a crippled playable demo.  But basically only a technology proof of concept.  I'd never be able to release/sell carts or binary of this.


Hrm? Not even if First Star gave permission? Why not?



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humm the fertile fields of unsown dreams....


not a big fighting fan and i think the dancing baby is evil so that strikes out no. 1... DDR would be sweet esp if you get a good sid converter and can get some classic sids in there...


and, yea, it doesnt have to be called boulder dash. as good as boulder dash is, there are a zillion other games that have taken the BD ball and run with it to (imho,) even greaterness (deliberate made up word,) amiga emerald mines, prospector in the mazes of xor, lynx crystal mines 1,2, chips challenge, etc. (etc.) so I think this could easily be taken beyond simple BD.


how about something really challenging, like using ILCC to create 2600 rescue on fractalus (or eidolon or koronis rift,) :-) I would love to finally see someone manage a full 6 axis 3d game on the 2600. Even better, make your own game design using a 3d fractal display running on ILCC


Or how about a port of the c64/bbc/amiga game 'The Sentinel' to the 2600. it's only got 10,000 levels :-)

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I say finish FU KUNG first and write the book and then make BOMB JACK which is so simple and hugely addictive. But I guess you like to do things the hard way.


What I'd really like to see is a game that makes good use of the trakball, like a marble madness type game maybe.

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