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Interested in a new Acrylic case for 800XE/130XE series ?


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Hi folks,


I bought last week a acrylic case for one of my 800XL and moved the XL to the new case last weekend.
I looks very pretty and I´m happy with it?.

(For those who don't know what it's about, you'll find some pictures attached.)


The Seller is located in EU / Germany and so I get in touch with the managing director of Plexilaser (manufacturer & distributor in Germany)
and asked, if it would be possible to design a new acrylic housing for our XE line as well.

He just answered me that this would be possible, but he needs a XE sample for it (he gets from me) as well as approximately 
gets an overview in advance, how many interested parties there are for it. 


If I can give him a figure in advance, then he could estimate the effort and name a price.


So I would like to create an interest list here and ask everyone who is interested to sign up.


I´ll start with the list:


andymanone =  3 (up to) 5 XE cases






Here some pictures, how my 800XL looks like:







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@andymanone  Nice casing. Couple of observations. It might be my eyes but the keyboard looks as though it's mounted at a steeper angle. Also aside the PBI and socket holes in the casing there don't appear to be the top and side venting in the casing in these. I know it's unlikely to cause the XL to overheat of course, but just an observation. :)

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18 minutes ago, Beeblebrox said:

@andymanone  Nice casing. Couple of observations. It might be my eyes but the keyboard looks as though it's mounted at a steeper angle. Also aside the PBI and socket holes in the casing there don't appear to be the top and side venting in the casing in these. I know it's unlikely to cause the XL to overheat of course, but just an observation. :)

Hi Beeblebrox,


@Keyboard: Yes and no ?.  
There are unfortunately two different XL-Keyboard versions (different mounting holes) on the market and this case ist of course for that keyboard type, I don´t have ?
So I have modified the holes on my XL-Keyboard to make it match. But you´re right, it could be better, some finetuning is needed..


No, I see no problem here, the keybaord ist not directly closed monted to the upper part of the case, so it can "breath"




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10 minutes ago, andymanone said:

Hi Beeblebrox,


@Keyboard: Yes and no ?.  
There are unfortunately two different XL-Keyboards version (different mounting holes) on the market and this case ist of course for that keyboard type, I don´t have ?
So I have modified the holes on my XL keyboard to make it match. But your right it could be better, some fintunig is needed..


No, I see no problem here, the keybaord ist not directly closed monted to the upper part of the case, so it can "breath"




@andymanone  Thanks.


Just to say there are 5 x different XL type keyboards in circulation. I own XLs with (I think) all of them incidentally.  The ALPS manufactured one is generally regarded as the best, then one of the two AWC manufactured. More info in this thread here. Some of the lesser regarded keyboards I find are really cheap feeling and the large keys do indeed catch. I really get on with the ALPS and AWC ones.


Yeah, just was thinking in terms of typing on a keyboard that is steeper than it was originally designed for, that might create a problem for some.


No worries re ventilation - was really just noting that the new casing hasn't replicated the original XL venting slots. Pity - I think it would have looked quite cool... (er pun intended) :P

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4 minutes ago, Beeblebrox said:

Just to say there are 5 x different XL type keyboards in circulation.

Hi Beeblebrox: YES, I KNOW!
Thatswhy I wrote: there are TWO different "mounting hole versions" ?




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8 minutes ago, andymanone said:

Hi Beebelbrox: YES, I KNOW!
Thatswhy I wrote: there are TWO different "mounting hole versions" ?




@andymanone  Ah, I kinda took the fact you mentioned two mounting hole versions meant there were only 2 x different types of XL keyboards out there is all.  That's why I mentioned the 5. ;) (I guess of the 5 x types, there are only two different mounting hole styles between them all then. Good to know).

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I also made one of these . It looks really nice, espacielly with the blue/gold Remake-PCB.
My new 800XL has special place in my living room.

Unfortunately, the keyboard holder is not perfect. Luckily I had several different keyboards. Only one out of three was correct.








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Nice.  You just sold me, I ordered one (800XL).  


My 800XL has a Sophia Rev. C and Antonia 4mb.  The case cannot shut due to the chips --well technically I was able to get the Antonia to fit just barely by modding the keyboard, but I don't have the right version of Sophia (xe version, I think)...anyway forwhatever reason the case won't close, so I raised up the top of the case and then covered the opening with, well, I don't know what to call it, a racing stripe.


But I like this idea better, put it in this case, raise it up the top a bit and call it ventilation. 

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I'd still want ventilation holes , as the box warms up , it's a bad idea not to do so... this looks like the same acrylic box from a few years back that had static build up and cracking/scratching issues. In warmer climates with no ac, overheating issues for extended use... looks identical... weather or not it's the same producer...

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17 minutes ago, _The Doctor__ said:

I'd still want ventilation holes , as the box warms up , it's a bad idea not to do so... this looks like the same acrylic box from a few years back that had static build up and cracking/scratching issues. In warmer climates with no ac, overheating issues for extended use... looks identical... weather or not it's the same producer...

Like explained before,
there are "open slots" around the Keyboard so the mainboard can "breath", and the PBI is also not covered. 


Btw: without the Shielding plates, there is more space for "heat circulation" inside the case.


So I´m not afraid about overheating the XL.




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6 minutes ago, _The Doctor__ said:

is there any holes or opening in the bottom plate?

There is a little space between the bottom plate and the XL Keyboard.


The keyboard is not directly, but mounted with some "spacer bolts" ? (not sure if it´s proper explained in english language ?)




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But now back to the main topic?:


Is there basically interest in a new ATARI XE-Line acrylic case?

If yes, please post it here!


If we get enough interested people together, the price for the basic version

could be around 50-70 Euro plus shipping.

I guess there will be an option (with extra charge) to include the ventilation slots in the top plate.


As a note: The manufacturer also offers cases for the Amiga 500 and C64, with ventilation slot option.


But here it is first of all about whether there is basically interest!

The final details and options can always be clarified later.


Thanks & Cheers,


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Yes, I'm interested in ordering 2! ? Very cool project.

It would be nice to fit my very nasty yellowed XE machines in!

And just thinking about the following: a Acrylic case for the Atari 1050 diskdrive. I don't think many people still use one, but how cool would it be to see the inners of the mechanical drive reading a floppy...

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28 minutes ago, Thelen said:

And just thinking about the following: a Acrylic case for the Atari 1050 diskdrive. I don't think many people still use one, but how cool would it be to see the inners of the mechanical drive reading a floppy...

Great idea. I would definitifly buy one or two 1050 acryl cases.

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Okay, I don't want to ruin this person's business, but here are my experiences with this case:


1. It's very prone to scratches, also on the inside while installing the mainboard

2. The metal keyboard plate does not fit properly and needs bending of the flips that receive the screws

3. It's very brittle. Drop it from 20cm height on your desk by accident, and it shatters in pieces


I would not recommend it, but each to its own.


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1 hour ago, ivop said:

Okay, I don't want to ruin this person's business, but here are my experiences with this case:


1. It's very prone to scratches, also on the inside while installing the mainboard

2. The metal keyboard plate does not fit properly and needs bending of the flips that receive the screws

3. It's very brittle. Drop it from 20cm height on your desk by accident, and it shatters in pieces


I would not recommend it, but each to its own.


Hi Ivop,


this is not about business,
it's about the fact that I, and with me a few other users, would like to have a case for the XE line and I may be able to persuade the manufacturer to model a case for the XE series.


To your mentioned cons:


1. That depends on your skills, if has prepared well for the conversion and works professionally, there are no scratches


2. As described above, there are two different mounting brackets on the keyboard. The manufacturer was only aware of ONE of them, so the second version does not fit properly.
We have already informed the manufacturer about this and he will offer a second version with adapted suspension.


3. The same would happen to you with an ATARI 800 or ATARI 400, so I prefer basically NOT to drop my devices.... ?




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As I said, each to its own. If you like it, go for it!

3 minutes ago, andymanone said:

1. That depends on your skills, if has prepared well for the conversion and works professionally, there are no scratches

It's not just the inside of the housing. The outside will scratch as well. A bracelet, a long nail, if you take it with you to a fair, it will scratch, and it is very visible.


3 minutes ago, andymanone said:

2. As described above, there are two different mounting brackets on the keyboard. The manufacturer was only aware of ONE of them, so the second version does not fit properly.
We have already informed the manufacturer about this and he will offer a second version with adapted suspension.

Okay, that's good to hear for those of you that want to acquire one. Nice.


3 minutes ago, andymanone said:

3. The same would happen to you with an ATARI 800 or ATARI 400, so I prefer basically NOT to drop my devices.... ?

Oh, so do I, but you can easily drop an XE or XL from 20cm height. It even fell on carpet, but still shattered in pieces.


As for the 400 and 800, I don't own one, but was told they were built like a tank. Or perhaps not the plastic casing?


Anyway, I just shared my experiences with this product. I was one of the people that asked for a new run when they were sold out. We all bought one, and this is what happened to me. A single user. YMMV.


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The discussion about keyboards did take place previously, nothing was done... if they are saying they weren't aware... someone managed to forget.

20 cm falling to a carpet should not be a damaging drop for most items... but it is for this item, they could and should rethink the material. ivop is correct, it will look good for a very short time unless you decide to give it the white glove treatment for the rest of it's life, it's going to show marks. Maybe they could give it a coating like bluray and eyeglasses get... have fun and enjoy it for a bit I guess. If it brings you joy, only you can determine if it was worth it in the end. Best of wishes and luck.

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Hello guys


IIRC the back of the 65XE without ECI is different from the back of the 65XE with the ECI.  It not only doesn't have the ECI port (which wouldn't have to be a problem when it comes to the case) but the other ports aren't in the same position AFAIK.






PS found this picture:




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Short update, for all interested parties:


Current status today:


Plexilaser now gets from me a 130XE and a 800XL keyboard
(the one with the "deviating" mounting dimensions) as a model/sample.


1. they will now model a new case for the XE series (and yes, we will consider the Tramiel economy version WITHOUT ECI port ?)
2. they will adapt the current 800XL case so that now all 800XL keyboards will fit in the future.


Okay, well, that's the current state of today for you.




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