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Seen the question, but not the answer - re: repros


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As the replies in my thread said, the paper quality is a giveaway, as is the production date that's stamped into the end label of most Atari releases.


Now that I think about it (and I just thought of this due to my other thread), wouldn't you need an eprom/eeprom (is there a difference between the two, or did I just hear wrong?) to make a repro cart? If so, then the weight of the cart is also a giveaway. If it's light like other carts, it's authentic (it has a PCB), if it's heavier, it's probably a repro (it has an eprom).

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As the replies in my thread said, the paper quality is a giveaway, as is the production date that's stamped into the end label of most Atari releases.


Now that I think about it (and I just thought of this due to my other thread), wouldn't you need an eprom/eeprom (is there a difference between the two, or did I just hear wrong?) to make a repro cart? If so, then the weight of the cart is also a giveaway. If it's light like other carts, it's authentic (it has a PCB), if it's heavier, it's probably a repro (it has an eprom).


Yes there is a difference between EEPROM's and EPROM's, the EEPROM's can be electrically erased and EPROM's have windows and need to be erased via UV light exposure.


Also, one other thing you can't forget is that some companies used EPROM's to make their games and some companies used both ROM's and EPROM's.

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All that sounds great, but can you really tell through an auction?  I guess that's a pretty dumb question.  Aside from asking the seller and hoping he/she is honest, there's probably not too much you can tell.




Yes, you'll have to go by the picture (if there is one) and the seller's word. Feedback is a good (but not full-proof) indicator of how reliable the seller is.




Also, one other thing you can't forget is that some companies used EPROM's to make their games and some companies used both ROM's and EPROM's.  




Right. My Double Dragon cart actually has an eprom in it, you don't even need to open it.


What I meant was, could some scumbag use an actual PCB, or are eproms all that's available now? If I remember correctly, eproms are what they use in the AA store.

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Weird. I wouldn't have expected Coleco to do it.


For some reason, using EPROMs just seems to me like what a small-potatoes company would do... sort of like someone today using CD-Rs instead of getting professionally-pressed CDs.


Now maybe someone like Mythicon, for instance... that's who I'd expect to use EPROMs.

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OK, well to carry on my end of that other thread here... the Moon Patrol I ripped open had a little blob very much like what you showed with the Xonox cart, but as my "Chiclet" description suggests, the blob is a rounded square, rather than a circle. I assume it's basically the same idea though.


BTW, that particular Moon Patrol cart works fine... I spent an hour or so playing it during my 3-week retreat at "the farm" last month.

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