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Games with too many extra lives...

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7 minutes ago, TheGameCollector said:

Oh yeah, this is the Atari 8-bit section. I'm a bit tired at the moment...


Doesn't Donkey Kong give you like a whole bunch of lives in the A8 version in comparison to the arcade version?

Just 1 extra one at 7K making 4 in total :)

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4 hours ago, glurk said:

Here's Pooyan with "one life to live."  Is that what you want?  I don't think you do earn any extra ones?  I didn't play it that long...


Thanks but below is what I need, there are extra lives and it's almost impossible to be out otherwise once you learn the game. Also Oriley's gets easier the more you play as the screen fills up with collectables and you rack up man after man :)

4 hours ago, Mclaneinc said:

I think they want a version that never increments the lives counter....Sadly, I'm off out to hospital otherwise I'd knock up a file.. or 3. Dead easy hack..

Best Wishes :thumbsup:

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7 minutes ago, ivop said:

Bruce Lee. There's this point where you can re-enter a room and pick up like 5 extra lives before it disappears. A decent player wouldn't even need those, and with them, you can play the game endlessly.

Bruce Lee in general is very easy, once you get the drop and ticker light timings down, then it's not a huge challenge. First game I finished on the Atari with no cheats..

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On 3/9/2022 at 12:52 PM, Mclaneinc said:

Only had 2 mins, just got rid of the EE 1A 74 Nopped away..

Pooyan (1983)(Datasoft) (HACK No Extra Lives Edition).xex 18.21 kB · 0 downloads

Perfect thanks we will play this one in the HSC now :thumbsup:

On 3/9/2022 at 10:52 PM, EddyFree said:


Oriley's Mine No Extra Lives [search:replace] (XX is ignore byte) = [F6C24C:EAEAXX]


just need a file version thanks ;-)

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On 3/9/2022 at 6:09 PM, ivop said:

Bruce Lee. There's this point where you can re-enter a room and pick up like 5 extra lives before it disappears. A decent player wouldn't even need those, and with them, you can play the game endlessly.

I quite like that one as it gives players the option so they can get further in the game. Other games like the two I mentioned where the difficulty doesn't change or the programmer never got that far in testing their own game are spoiled, I'm sure there are others that we can bring back to life for HSC play at least. We have a 2 week play window so that also helps as you have to re-learn games, I've just had fun playing Pac-Man here and it took a lot of goes to work out what my tactics were! All good fun :)

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Yep, realised that but not before the editing time had gone...Oops..So if you did download it, then rename it now incase you forget.. At least anyone who uses dupe finders or looks at CRC's will see it's a different file.


And request to @Albert or any other mod to rename it for me please, no extra lives edition or some such..


Edit: Original file replaced with a properly named one...Don't forget to rename the old one if you got it..

Edited by Mclaneinc
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2 minutes ago, Mclaneinc said:

Yep, realised that but not before the editing time had gone...Oops..So if you did download it, then rename it now incase you forget.. At least anyone who uses dupe finders or looks at CRC's will see it's a different file.


And request to @Albert or any other mod to rename it for me please, no extra lives edition or some such..

You can now edit the post, but I cannot rename a file, you'll need to delete the file and re-upload it.



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On 3/10/2022 at 5:52 AM, EddyFree said:

Oriley's Mine No Extra Lives [search:replace] (XX is ignore byte) = [F6C24C:EAEAXX]

Haha! I just had a look at the extra lives routine in this game and it contains a major bug! The current player is stored at $009C. The code checks the player score against a threshold stored at $196C+X / $196E+X. If the score has exceeded the threshold, an extra life up to maximum 4 lives is awarded and the threshold is increased by BCD $2500 (equals 250000 pts, which means you normally get an extra life at 100000, 350000, 600000, 850000 pts etc) -- for player 1 only!


It means that once player 2 has reached the first threshold, he or she will quickly gain maximum 4 lives by picking up objects. When a life is lost, it will be replenished by the next item picked up. I suppose it is possible to reach Game Over eventually when the enemies are too fast for you to get to pick up a single item from the ground, but player 2 will keep playing for a long while after player 1 has stopped playing.


This could be resolved by patching four bytes:


$1A6D LDA $196C should be LDA $196C,X ($BD instead of $AD)

$1A73 STA $196C should be STA $196C,X ($9D instead of $8D)

$1A76 LDA $196E should be LDA $196E,X

$1A7B STA $196E should be STA $196E,X


Nevertheless, your patch at $1A90 to remove extra lives completely should work. I imagine replacing INC $C2,X by LDA $C2,X should work as well as NOP NOP. In that case it doesn't matter that player 2 will exceed the extra life threshold all the time, because no more lives are awarded anyway.


I wonder if there are other versions of O'Riley's Mine where this was fixed. It seems like quite a big flaw, and perhaps this is from where TRBB is coming, that player 2 would get extra lives all the time? Or perhaps player 1 also is skilled enough to actually reach the new extra life thresholds even without help from the code.


Here are two patched versions. The first one has extra lives enabled, but equal rules for player 1 and 2. The second one has the extra lives disabled, but will still play a cheerful jingle every time you were supposed to get an extra life, just to let you know that someone patched that away for you!


Standard game, patched for two players:



HSC version with extra lives disabled:




Edited by carlsson
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Now when I think about it, I wonder if not the original version effectively disabled extra lives for player 1 once player 2 reached 100,000 points. I mean every time player 2 would pick up and item and exceed its threshold (which never got updated), it would push the threshold for player 1 by another 250,000 points. That code runs regardless if you have 4 lives or not, so from what I could tell it might be so that player 2 would kill off all chances of extra lives for player 1 which makes the unpatched game even more flawed!

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