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That gives me an idea


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The printing costs are escalating. AA would have to do just as the old scool companies did. Give featured games some good space and screenshots, then provide only short descriptions and possibly a screenshot for older titles.


An Atari Age catalog shouldn't take much time as far as rounding up permission. This can be done as soon as someone figures out the finances. I've put together 48 page magazines in a week.

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I like the catalog idea.


I've been bumping a similiar idea around in my head for a while, but haven't been sure of how to suggest it before now.


So, for better or for worse, in the same vein as the catalog idea...


What is the feasibility of producing a "2004 Atari Homebrew Calendar"? :ponder:


Could this be put together in time for distribution before January, preferably Christmastime?


Each of the 12 months could highlight a Homebrew author or Company: for example, XYPE for January( showing all XYPE titles ), etc. and maybe a month featuring Hacks.


What about the "16-Month" version?


I know printing shops like Kinko's for example, can put together custom calendars like this, and usually offer it before Christmastime.


AA could charge between $10 - $20 in the store.


Or is this idea more trouble then it's worth? Perhaps the catalog would be more cost- effective?



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Possible candidates for "Atari Babe":


. Mrs. Pac-Man

. Mommy Kangaroo

. The woman in "Pick Up"

. Jungle Jane

. The nekkid woman in "Porky's"

. Smurfette

. Mario's girlfriend

. The girl player in "Ghost Manor"

. The "Dishaster" girl

. Custer's partner

. Strawberry Shortcake




the list goes on. ;)

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