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New owner of a Atari 800 has some question


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I just bought this computer today and I want to test it to see if it works. Only problem is that I don't have any software for it to test it out with. I also don't have a power supply for it.


I have an Atari 5200 power supply. Can I use this with the 800?


If I turn the unit on without a cart or peripheral plugged into it, what would / should happen? Is there any built it OS that it should by default load up?


Also I'm missing some keys, there wouldn't be a place where I can buy replacement keys is there?


I also need a picture (closeup) of the keyboard so I can tell where each key does where. I sort of turned the computer upside down and a lot of the keys fell out. OOPS!

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  • 4 years later...
On the 800 without any cartridges you will see







Only if you have a disk drive attached with no disk in it. :D


Otherwise you will get the blue MEMO PAD screen, which you can type text into, but it doesnt do anything else.


There is a large picture of the 800 keyboard here:




I have a bunch of broken 800s around here, let me know what keys you need.



Edited by classics
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