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Time to make good on old promises


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New Jobs, New Homes, & New Children finally subsided I feel it's time for my triumphant return to the AA community. So much wonderful stuff has happened here and at home in the past few months.


I know this isn't the first time I've attempted to return, but I'm absolutely sure I'm ready this time.


My scincere apoligies to AA, Al, and all of those who preordered Kablamo!. When it is finally released I will make sure all who preordered and had to be refunded are properly compensated with something "special".


A great misfortune is while I have found my insanely complicated schematics and drawings for the 2600 In A Flash project, I've lost my train of thought on it, and I will have to take several steps back to make progress on it.


I want to take things quite a bit slower this time... I simply don't have the free time for three projects at once. So here is the new schedule.


Quest: Has been dropped... I lost the source, and I know for a fact if I start an over ambitious project like this again I will end up never finishing it and I will dissapoint yet again.


Kablamo!: Is right where I left it, nearly finished. I could probably have a release cantidate in a month or so.


Flash Cart: Thoroughly frustrating, but still the project I want to finish the most.


So my question to the masses:


Should I complete Kablamo! first, or complete the flash cart. I am not able to work on both at the same time anymore... So only one project at a time can occupy my limited free time. Your Choice!


It's good to be back, I will try not to dissapoint.... Yet Again....


--Chris Larkin

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Hi Chris, glad to see you back! My opinion is that you should finish Kablamo! first, since that project is nearest completion and I've had a lot of people ask about it since PhillyClassic. :) Then you can take your time on the Flash cart, without worrying about Kablamo! hanging over your head.



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Was Quest the Ultima looking game for the 2600?  :sad:


No, AFAIK that is Paul Slocum's RPG game you are thinking of. Quest was a 2600 version of a discontinued Ravensburger board game of the same name.


My inspiration to write it was given to me by the fact no one really wanted to play the board game when I had it, as the rules really put player againsed player in a match up that usually ended in hurt feelings. However I realised that PvP video games seem to bring people closer and it seemed a better fit for a video game then a board game.


However my ideas for mini-games and other unique features (4 Player multi-tap support/Vibrating Controllers) are too much for me to handle with my new schedule, and I lost the source :-( grrrr... So this one is kaput.


http://qotile.net/rpg.html <-- Paul's game

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Great to see you back Chris and glad to hear that everything’s going well for you now. I’ve been looking forward to “Kablamo!” since you first announced the project but, hey, no rush man. I’m sure that the finished product will be well worth the wait. :D

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... Quest was a 2600 version of a discontinued Ravensburger board game of the same name.


My inspiration to write it was given to me by the fact no one really wanted to play the board game when I had it, as the rules really put player againsed player

in a match up that usually ended in hurt feelings.  However I realised that PvP video games seem to bring people closer and it seemed a better fit for a

video game then a board game.  


However my ideas for mini-games and other unique features (4 Player multi-tap support/Vibrating Controllers) are too much for me

to handle with my new schedule, and I lost the source :-( grrrr... So this one is kaput...


Sorry to hear this about Quest. :sad: So, you don't mind if somebody else uses these gameplay ideas in a Hack or Homebrew of their own?

I've been pondering a few game ideas that have Quest - like features and also elements from the board game Risk.


Of course, Risk is copyrighted, otherwise it would be a fun game to port to the 2600, IMO.


I would really like to see the 4 - player multitap, but I haven't a clue about constructing such a device myself.


Also, I agree that you should finish Kablamo! first and foremost, before devoting time to any other Atari- related project.


Welcome back! 8)

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Kablamo! first since it's nearly completed, flashcart later since you need to take a few steps back anyway.[/logic]


So sad to hear about losing the source to Quest. (been there, done that) To me, projects can be very hard to revisit after that...since I'd find myself spending more time trying to recall how to duplicate what I had done than the actual time spent coding it. :sad:

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