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Answering Mr.FoodMonster's Question:


Ya, you know how a cuttle cart works? you plug it into an earphone jack and then into the cartridge. So you play this really grating sound into a cartridge and then you got to play the game. What atari did, was they basically pluged the earphone into a radio tuned into a certian station and recieved the grating sound and the cartridge turned it into a game. But, the way they did this was more complicated. Imagine, listening to KABOOM 107.1? Or having to listen to the radio for five minutes to get PITFALL? Cool in concept, crappy in theroy. I think the game they tested was PITFALL.

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Answering Mr.FoodMonster's Question:


Ya, you know how a cuttle cart works? you plug it into an earphone jack and then into the cartridge. So you play this really grating sound into a cartridge and then you got to play the game. What atari did, was they basically pluged the earphone into a radio tuned into a certian station and recieved the grating sound and the cartridge turned it into a game. But, the way they did this was more complicated. Imagine, listening to KABOOM 107.1? Or having to listen to the radio for five minutes to get PITFALL? Cool in concept, crappy in theroy. I think the game they tested was PITFALL.

well.. you wouldnt actually have to listen to it persay.. you would have to have a pretty fancy radio to pick up that type of audio.. this is basicly short band radio and below the range of most radio's.

far as i can tell these carts are basicly just radio recievers that pick up only a secific band of radio waves.


see the concept in question here is not if it can be done or how... the question is.. how do we make money off of this?

even with a cheap wide spectrum reciever from radio shack you can pick up basic muzak service for free.. Muzac makes its money by leasing hardware and service.. ala direct TV.. of course.. muzak has gone the direction of direct link satilite and subscription based services becouse its easier to monitor and exlude service to subscribers

but how do you tell your atari cart that its only supposed to recieve this particular signal at this time and onl;y if you have paid to have it.. this is easily hacked

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