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In picking up a 2600...


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...is there anything specific I should look for, re: model numbers, or specifics to it? Seeing as how this site has fueled my nostalgia, and I'm now making it a goal in my life to get an original 2600 title on cart (that is so cool), I need to pick up a console again since my childhood model fried. So if I were to purchase off eBay is there any specific details I should look for, or do all 2600 models essentially perform identically? Thanks!


- Adam


EDIT: I live in the US, so would naturally be getting an NTSC model, if that matters.

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They basically all do the same thing, including the 7800 that is backwards compat with the 2600. I find the original 6 switch wood to give the best tc reception, The problem is fitting some of the newer carts into this model. Both the 4 switch wood and black are good but ive found the reception a bit weaker. Theres than the junior which as far as i can tell all carts fit into without a problem.


If you do a forum search for best 2600 you should find plenty of threads.

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There are various models of the 2600 but essentially they are all the same except that the later models were smaller and lighter. The most important thing is to make sure that you get a working model and that it comes with controllers and a few games to play with the system.


Best of luck and let us know how it turns out. Also you might wish to check out the marketplace section of Atari Age and post a topic about wanting an Atari 2600. Maybe one of the members can offer you a good deal (I was offered a 2600 with 20 games for $20 at one time)

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