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Favorite Apollo game; least annoying Mythicon game


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Apollo is tie: Guardian and Infiltrate are both fun. Lost Luggage is a good Kaboom rip off although not as good as Kaboom. If I could figure out how to land the planes, Final Approach might be good. I've read the directions 10 times, it doesn't work for me.


I find all 3 Mythicon games unplayable but I guess Star Fox is the least irratating to me.

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I'd have to say that my favorite Apollo title would be Space Cavern. Infiltrate would be a close second. I like Final Approach, but it took me a while to develop some skill at it (see also: I spent a lot of time frustrated).


Mythicon? I'd say Star Fox. I've never played Fire Fly (although, since I've played Star Fox, on some level I have), and Sorcerer has ticked me off since I discovered what a lousy game it was when I was young.

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