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7800 developer tools - Mac


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DASM works great -- the official DASM site has a MacOS X port. I've also compiled a78sign for MacOS X, you can grab it here.


I've found it works nicely to build the .a78 header directly into the source file:

       SUBROUTINE Header

       ORG CodeStart - 128

               .byte 1        ; Header version                

               .byte "ATARI7800"

               DS.B 7

.Cartname       .byte "Test";Cart title, 32 bytes max

.EndCartname    DS.B 32 - (.EndCartname - .Cartname)

               .byte $00,$02,$00,$00;ROM size, big-endian

               .byte $06        ;bit0 - pokey cart

                              ;bit1 - supercart bank switching

                              ;bit2 - supercart RAM

                              ;bit 3 - ROM at $4000

                              ;bit 4 - Bank 6 at $4000

               .byte 1        ;P1 controller type

               .byte 1        ;P2 controller type

                              ;0 - none

                              ;1 - joystick

                              ;2 - lightgun

               DS.B 100 - 57

               .byte "ACTUAL CART DATA STARTS HERE"


       SUBROUTINE Code
; Bank 0

       ORG     $8000


; Bank 1

       ORG     $c000

       RORG    $8000

; Bank 7

       ORG     $24000

       RORG    $c000 ; Bank 7 always mapped in $c000

This is for a full-out, 8-bank 128kb ROM, I believe with 16kb of Supercart RAM at $4000-$7fff. (MESS and the official a78 spec don't seem to quite line up properly -- I have to say "ROM at $4000" for it to recognize that there is RAM there or somesuch. I forget exactly, it's been a while since I did this up.)


Anyway, hope this helps.

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Great minds think alike:




DC.B	1  ; 0   Header version     - 1 byte

DC.B	"ATARI7800"	; 1..16  "ATARI7800   "  - 16 bytes

DS	7,32

DC.B	"7800 Space War!"; 17..48 Cart title      - 32 bytes

DS	HEADER+49-.,0

DC.B	$00,$00,256->ROMTOP,$00; 49..52 data length      - 4 bytes

DC.B	$00,$00  ; 53..54 cart type      - 2 bytes

   ;    bit 0 - Pokey cart

   ;    bit 1 - Supercart bank switched

   ;    bit 2 - Supercart RAM at $4000

   ;    bit 3 - ROM at $4000

   ;    bit 4 - Bank 6 at $4000

   ;    bit 8-15 - Special

   ;   0 = Normal cart

DC.B	1  ; 55   controller 1 type  - 1 byte

DC.B	1  ; 56   controller 2 type  - 1 byte

   ;    0 = None

   ;    1 = Joystick

   ;    2 = Light Gun

DC.B	0  ; 57 0 = NTSC 1 = PAL

ORG	HEADER+100	; 100..127 "ACTUAL CART DATA STARTS HERE" - 28 bytes



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The original Atari 7800 games were all written at GCC on Macs... unfortunately none of the programmers retained any of the prog's or source code, too bad.


GCC was later change to being a Mac peripheral company, I remember their interal Mac HD called the HyperDrive. I had one in my Fat Mac (1mb Mac) in 87' It had this tempermental piggyback piece that plugged right onto of the 68000 and ribbon cabled to a little side board that was uncomfortably close to the monitor flyback assembly and the side board then connected to a little SCSI HD.


You didn't want to jolt the Mac, otherwise the piggyback clip popped off the processor.


GCC is still around and makes high end Laserprinters.





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There's a homebrew called SENSO in the works. Not sure of any others though.


There's also been a release of the lost "High Score" cart, the lost KLAX, lost NTSC Sentinel and there was talk at one point of releasing the 7800 keyboard but haven't heard of that in years.


I'm hoping that with the advent of dev tools plus the cuttle cart, more homebrewers will start looking to design 7800 titles. It's been a long haul, but the pieces are starting to come together.

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I've got a 7800 development board I've been dying to use. I may try my hand at a 7800 game eventually, but right now I don't have the hours to devote to it (and I'd hate to see it get half done and killed off like Cypher).


If I did do a 7800 game it would probably be Mappy. But the problem is I don't think the 7800 market is big enough to support homebrews yet. I think I'd be better off doing a 5200 or 2600 version of it (although a 2600 version would be mega hard).



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Well I'm willing to try anything once (no not THAT you pervs!). I guess I'll try my hand at a 7800 version of Mappy, but no promises! :) I've got to learn how the 7800 is programmed first (I have a big thick manual for it and some development tools though).


What does everyone think? 7800 Mappy sound good?



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