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Space War


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Hi all,


I'm looking for an 8-bit game that I used to play years ago. I believe it was called Space War and was published (on tape!) by Avalon Hill. It was a multi-player game and you took turns sending out your fleets from your planets to other neutral planets or to your friends' planets. The fleets would take several turns to make the voyage between planets, depending on the distance, and no one could see where the fleets were, so you could negociate with your friends and then screw them over by having a large fleet show up unexpected at their home planet. It was a lot of fun, and I'd love to play it again if I could find it.


I'm also looking for two other games, I'm not sure who released them. One was called Midway and it was a re-creation of the battle of midway (mostly text-based), and the other I think was called Thermonuclear War, or possibly Cold War. You started in a "cold war" and built up your weapons and then after a time you or the computer would declare a "hot war" and you'd fight it out.


Can anyone help me find these games?





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Ahhh...I remember Spacewar sessions from the computer classes at school...we had to hack the game because it was so noisy on the AppleII

Sent you a couple of images (from Holmes), but I dunno if they are the correct ones...Global War and Space War. Midway exists too, but I don't have it.

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