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On the flip side...


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The other thread about guilty pleasures got me thinking about this......What games do you NOT care for so much that everyone else thinks is the greatest? Pitfall would be mine.....When it came out, I enjoyed it enough, but soon got bored....I understand and know why it's a classic, but just never got into it as much as anyone else......

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My problem with Adventure is, that I never played it back then (same with Yar's Revenge). So I have no fond memories and compared with complex modern (which is unfair, I know) adventure games (which I like) it is IMO really, really lame.


Yar's Revenge looks like an below average shooter to me. But I am still not sure, if I might have missed something.

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yea I thought 2600 adventure and yars were pretty much universally loved. and not just for nostalgic reasons. I mean, there is a reason that pc indenture was so popular and they made yars revenge for the gameboy. These are titles that, even today, people still generally realize kicketh arseth.

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Yars' is so low on my list because it has the most disappointing gameplay of any game I've ever played. That might sound like hyperbole, but it is true. You shoot the thing a few times, run into it, then shoot it with the other thing. Do the same thing ad infinitum. There's nothing the least bit interesting about this play mechanic. I love simple mechanics in games, so it isn't just the simplicity of the game. The task presented by the game isn't entertaining in the least. To present such a dull mechanic in a genre that is typically the most action packed just magnifies its deficiencies. Yars' Revenge was a game that was universally hated by everyone I knew in the early 80s.


The same can be said of Adventure. You move around for a while and nothing ever happens. The same can be said of any adventure/RPG game, but it is more apparent in Adventure, having none of the graphic fluff that everybody seems to love these days. There's just nothing appealing about what you do in this game.

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RE: Adventure and Pitfall,


I think the reputation of these games comes largely from their time of release. I bought both of these games when they were first released, and when I plugged them in I said WoW! They both pushed the 2600 to new limits that had never been seen before. Sure there are games now that make these games look weak, but back then they rocked!


- Adventure brought to the table a large world to explore, and randomization to provide more shelf life.

- Pitfall had an even larger world (256 unique screens in a 4K cartridge!), and graphics to die for. I mean Pitfall Harry was the very first VCS (and first maybe in consoleland) character to actually animate running beyond the 2 frame twitch walk common to many games, and he had 3 colors! I believe it may have also been one of the first games to use the missle/ball(?) to draw a line on the screen, aka the vine... Not sure on that one.


These games raised the bar for games that followed. Many games since have raised the bar higher, but at one time they were the standard benchmark for showcasing the abilities of the VCS.


On topic: I don't like VCS Asteroids.

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I'm very surprized to se so many others agree with my view on Pitfall. Sure it was a revolution, but some very poor decisions were made as far as gameplay. I didn't have the time or interest to map out every level so I could beat the clock. Why not just let us play? I found it all to be very nice looking but completely dull. I got one hundred times the play out of Megamania. The elements of Pitfall were used to much better effect in other games.


I like Pitfall II better, but finishing the game can feel like punishing oneself. Damn condors.

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