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Atari 8-bit Meet-up - Saturday, June 25th


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Just a heads up for anyone local to DFW area, our next Atari 8-bit Old School User Meeting will be help on Saturday, June 25th at 6pm at the National Videogame Museum.


If you're on FB, you can check out the event here. https://www.facebook.com/events/717350092750848/

If you're not on FB and would like to be added to the mailing list, drop me a PM here with your email address.


Here's some basic info and guidelines for the meet-up. We're keeping it in the style of an old-time user group meeting where people went to learn, have fun and buy or sell items for their Atari 8-bit computers.
We're here to help our fellow Atari 8-bit users learn about new products or software and build their collections. As such, please leave your ebay prices at home.
What you can expect:
- Product demos
- Software demos
- Buy/Sell/Trade
- Repair Workshop
- Show & Tell
Got extra hardware or software you're looking to sell or trade? Bring it.
Want to show off your latest hardware upgrade? Feel free.
Want to demo a piece of software you wrote? Come on down.
Got a broken system or disk drive? We'll help you fix it!
We have some tentative product demos and speakers in the works. I'll post more as we confirm them.
Invite your friends! We have people coming from Austin and San Antonio. Just remember it's 8-bit computers only, none of that ST crap. ?
Got questions? Just ask! Hope to see you there!



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Glad to see Atari 8bit groups getting together. Wish we had something like that

going on locally here.


I'll post the announcement to the Atari 8bit section on my BBS.  Thanks.


However, I agree that the "no ST crap" comment was totally unnecessary... :(


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