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The indescribably bad Atari VCS and stupid families

Random Terrain

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I was just visiting the following page while doing a quick bit of research (looking sh*t up) and I read something that pissed me off a little:


M Network Atari 2600 Titles


Basically, VCS Frogs and Flies is a stupid game directed at stupid kids who come from stupid families which are headed by slothful parents who were too ignorant and cheap to buy the Intellivision Master Component, so they bought the indescribably bad Atari VCS unit instead. Most Atari games are so moronic that, as the Atari commercials delight in pointing out, they can be mastered in a number of minutes by the family pooch. The VCS unit itself is so worthless that it has been personally denounced by Richard Nixon and hailed by Carl Sagan as "the greatest boon to mankind since the scratch 'n' sniff bicycle seat."


I thought you might want to see that if you haven't already. I thought it was worth pointing out.

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I think that was a pretty normal reaction, considering that Dave was one of the developers of the Intellivision and was then forced to port one of the games to the VCS :lolblue:

Heh. Depending on the tools they had, having to program the older VCS musta been a real hassle.


Still, most of the M-network games are all very good. (Armor Ambush was a big improvement over Combat tanks, for my money. ) And Frogs and Flies is actually a very fun game.


Don't know why they made the overhanging trees look like dinosaur heads tho.

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It is a rather amusing rant. Misguided, but amusing.


I've said it a million times, but that won't stop me from saying it again: On paper, the Intellivision blows the 2600 out of the water. But basic system specs are only part of the complete picture.


Intellivision steps to the plate:


Atari Fanboy is on the mound... he glances at the catcher's signs. Here's the wind-up... the pitch!


Most of the Intellivision's games didn't fully exploit the capabilities of the system. This is probably because there weren't enough good developers pushing it to see what it was really capable of.




Fanboy shakes off the sign. Adjusts his cap. Here's the pitch...


The gameplay on a lot of Intellivision games is too slow, sluggish, or awkward, again due to lack of superstar programmers really making the thing shine.




The count's 0-and-2. Intellivision steps out of the batter's box. Fanboy's looking for another K... can he do it? Intellivision steps up. Fanboy's pitch...


Those damn controllers just plain suck!







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Cute baseball play.


In terms of fast action, if I remember this right, there was a fairly easy way to get stuff moving on the Intellivision, but it was inherently slow. But most programmers would use it anyway.


Still some games I was very envious of on that system, Utopia and The Dreadnaught Factor...

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Hi there!


I think that was a pretty normal reaction, considering that Dave was one of the developers of the Intellivision and was then forced to port one of the games to the VCS :lolblue:




The Blue Sky Rangers site talks about how they considered it punishment when they were given programming assignments on the Aquarius :)

And for all you intv bashers, program me a good version on Burgertime on the 2600

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And for all you intv bashers, program me a good version on Burgertime on the 2600


So one game being better is your argument? Even adding in the other good games for the Intellivision doesn't amount to much against the VCS library.


Besides I thought the real point of this thread was the guys bad attitude. Even if you're the illegitimate son of George Plimpton, you can't say his description isn't nasty on all levels :)

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And for all you intv bashers, program me a good version on Burgertime on the 2600


So one game being better is your argument? Even adding in the other good games for the Intellivision doesn't amount to much against the VCS library.


Besides I thought the real point of this thread was the guys bad attitude. Even if you're the illegitimate son of George Plimpton, you can't say his description isn't nasty on all levels :)

Eh, I see it as a bitter but not-entirely-serious flamefest rant.


Anyway, my mom really liked Burgertime, both its arcade and 2600 form.


Well, come to think of it she got a kick out of the LCD handheld as well...so maybe she isn't the harshest critic.


But despite its graphical problems, I thought that 2600 Burgertime plays pretty well.

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Bear in mind that that little rant was written by the guy who created the Intellivision's EXEC (its BIOS)... the very chunk of code that limits sprite update frequency to 1/20th second.


Take that as you wish.


Unfortunately I'm too dumb to know what that means, explain please?

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It's amazing how these 'my console is better than yours' things never end:)


I obviously have a 2600 but I did have an INTV for a while a couple of years back. Had to part with it, some of those games were just GREAT but oh, that damned blasted controller. It was some hideous torture to see these great games and have to play them with that!

That voice unit ruled. If it wasn't for the crap controllers the INTV would have been the best thing ever. :x :? :(


Oddly enough, one of the main reasons I want an Xbox is to play INTV games on it. I'm prepared to spend THAT MUCH on a half decent control system!!

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Bear in mind that that little rant was written by the guy who created the Intellivision's EXEC (its BIOS)... the very chunk of code that limits sprite update frequency to 1/20th second.


Take that as you wish.




Unfortunately I'm too dumb to know what that means, explain please?


Basically it means it's David Rolfe's fault that most Intellivision games are so unbearably slow!

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It's amazing how these 'my console is better than yours' things never end:)


Yup. After a while most people mellow out to "most systems that achieved any level of popular success were probably pretty decent", but sometimes it's still fun to go over the pros and cons and little quirky things.


What's your new avatar about? I kinda miss ol' Jet Set.

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Oddly enough, one of the main reasons I want an Xbox is to play INTV games on it. I'm prepared to spend THAT MUCH on a half decent control system!!

You know, unlike the original Intellivision, my Sears Super Video Arcade (not available in the UK, I'm sure) has detachable controllers, and they use the same 9-pin plugs as Atari controllers.


I've never tried Atari controllers on it to see whether they work at all. Has anyone else here?


I would assume the Intellivision 2's detachable controllers also use the same plugs.


Surely SOMEONE has a mod to allow you to use different controllers with an Intellivision.



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Basically it means it's David Rolfe's fault that most Intellivision games are so unbearably slow!


Oh I understood that much of it. I'm more curious about the numbers mentioned. If the INTV is 1/20th per second, what's the VCS? 5200? CV? I'm just curious for comparison because for all I know 1/20th is fine. A comparison would just make it clearer to somebody with no programing skills.

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It's amazing how these 'my console is better than yours' things never end:)


Yup. After a while most people mellow out to "most systems that achieved any level of popular success were probably pretty decent"...


BTW, far from mellowing out, I am currently working on Intellivision vs. Atari 2600 VCS: The Ultimate Grudge Match! for my Atari website. I haven't gotten too far with it yet, but it's going to have head-to-head comparisons of games that were available for both systems.

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Basically it means it's David Rolfe's fault that most Intellivision games are so unbearably slow!


Oh I understood that much of it. I'm more curious about the numbers mentioned. If the INTV is 1/20th per second, what's the VCS? 5200? CV? I'm just curious for comparison because for all I know 1/20th is fine. A comparison would just make it clearer to somebody with no programing skills.


Zylon or someone else can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the 2600 is 60 Hz (NTSC) and 50 Hz (PAL), which are the standard refresh rates of those formats. Not sure about the other systems but I'd assume they're the same.

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