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Program Recorder problems


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Does the tape autoload programs when you turn on the Atari while holding down the [start] button? If it works that way with autoload software, then it should be fine and the only thing I can think of is that you are using the wrong command to get it to load a file from basic (as I recall this is the only way the tape deck works without autoload software-with basic). I used to have a recorder years ago before I got a disk drive, and I remember typing in programs out of mags and saving and loading them through a basic command. I'm assuming that this is what your doing (saving and [attempting] to load through basic)? I personally forget the actual command, it may have been something like; "Save T:, load T:"(?) I don't recall any operating system for tapedrives like diskdrives have, just the autoload with the [start] button and saving&loading with basic. I think you can give the file an autoboot name to load back up with the [start] button like commercial software...if none of this helps, please give a little more info about what exactly you are typing to try and get the tape to load.

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A couple points...

First off, when you say that it saves fine...are you sure anything IS actually saved? Since the 410 in question has problems reading, are you using another 410 to check or something? You might want to play the cassette in a standard tape deck to hear if any tones are being written to the tape at all.

O.K...common sense aside, what kind of cassettes are you using with the 410? Are they new, or are you writing over previous data or music? It could be that the erase head needs to be cleaned or demagnetized (i.e. it's not erasing existing data when writing). As a test for this, record a cassette with music and then use the 410 to write over it...when you play it on a cassette deck, you shouldn't be able to hear any of the old stuff. If you tried cleaning and still have this problem, it could be that the read/write head is misaligned. The COS manual I have shows how to adjust that, and I'll post it if I can track it down (COS = Cassette Operating System / Alpha Systems).

BTW you really ought to be using LIST "C:" and ENTER "C:" for cassette saving and loading. They are slower, but a little more reliable than the standard CSAVE/CLOAD commands (if there is any problem during a ENTER command, at least part of it would be loaded).

NOTE : if you have commercial programs on tape, be sure to back them up (you can use a dual-deck boombox to dub a new copy).

Good luck, but you really need a disk drive.

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I know that it saves because I have a few SuperCharger tapes(ones I made myself, don't worry) and you can hear the noises when you play them through a standard cassette player. When I attempted to tape over it, you couldn't hear anything, so it saves. I just can't read off of it!

How do you demagnetize something? That could be the problem I suppose. About the disk drive, I might ask for one for Christmas, I guess, but right know I don't really have any games. Plus, how am I going to get 88k disks? Do they still make 'em in a galaxy far, far away? If they do, that would be great. I would immediatly find ways to scrounge up some cash and buy an 810 and some disks.

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Nooo...I mean use the Atari computer to save a program to the cassette. If you rewind it and put it in a standard cassette player, you should be able to hear the tones (it sounds like a high-pitched whine and then static). If you tried that and hear nothing, it means the head is mis-aligned or possibly bad (i.e. the tones are not being written to the tape).

BTW the SuperCharger is used for the Atari2600...so this test has nothing to do with it or it's cassettes.

A cassette head demagnetizer can be found at most stores that sell audio equipment, and it looks like a cassette tape with circuitry inside of it. You turn it on and play it on the drive for a few seconds.

Floppy disks can be found at most business supply stores (like Circuit City)...and Atari disk drives are up for grabs from time to time (but you will probably see newer models like the 1050).

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You can adjust your heads on your model 410

cassette player by simply removing the metal

plate that says "PROGRAM RECORDER" under that

plate is a pre-made hole in the plastic.

just insert your basic cartridge and type

the command cload,enter,enter. or type

poke 54018, 52 to turn on the cassette

motor. then listen to the sound coming out

of your tv set. It is easier to adjust


(by this I mean just STORE-bought) loud

music tape. heavy metal, or other rock

tape is the best to use. if the music sounds

like it is not running at a constant speed,

like the music speeds up and slows down,

you have speed problem that can usually

be solved by lightly sanding the capstan

rod (the metal thingy that pushes against

the rubber roller.)They sometimes get too

smooth and shiny, and your sandpaper just

"roughs it up" a bit so it has enough

friction to push the roller. but back to

the heads.... if music sounds ok... just turn the screw a couple turns one way, then the OTHER way, Adjust for the LOUDEST volume

while listening to the hi-pitch tones, or

just the volume in general. You don't need

to get it PERFECT. just "peak" it to the

loudest spot. dont over-adjust or the

screw will fall out and you will have a

bigger problem. dont use a MAGNETIZED screw

driver near the heads. Be sure to clean the

heads with a q-tip and alcohol before

starting. Dont adjust the other head.

The white plastic head is an ERASE head.

the metal one is the one to adjust. Adjust at

your own risk. Let us know how it came out. mundy@utinet.net

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