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vertical scrolling problem


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It doesn't look like I am missing a decent game, but my copy of Porky's keeps flipping the image up the screen to scroll back around from the bottom, then it holds for a second and does it again. Is this cart toast? No other cart has ever done this (that I have owned.) This one didn't either the first time I tried to play it. I gave up early as the person chasing you after you pole vault to the shower scene is so fast that I couldn't seem to live long enough to figure out what the hell to do.


Thanks, Derek.

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Try adjusting the vertical hold on your TV (if it's old enough to have one). That should do it. And hopefully, the adjustment will be small enough that everything else is still in sync. If your TV is too new, try getting an older one, or try piping the signal through a VCR first.



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I can recall having a similar problem when I first got it. It was in the cheap bin at Kmart...I think something like $5, They had a whole bin full..Anyways. all my other games played just fine...Except Porky's, It rolled the same way Derek mentioned. My dad and I wound up taking it back to Kmart and exchanging it for another...Same thing...That was what I had to do...adjust the vertical hold. And it was fine...Kinda weird that after all these years hearing someone else having the same issue. I wonder if it's just coincidence or if Porky's is somehow more sensitive to the vertical hold setting???

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I don't know about Porky's, but many games stray from the recommended 192 visible scanlines. That's ok...in most cases, it won't be a problem. Worst case, a couple of lines won't be visible on your TV. But some games stray from the _required_ 262 lines. That's bad. That can cause the picture to roll. Some TVs are more forgiving than others when it comes to "dirty" video. But some need it to be pretty close to 60 fields per second in order to sync properly.



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