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Unknow XL/XE carts from Israel


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Originally posted by Tempest:

I think they're just hacks of disk games put onto EPROM's. Nothing too special.




True, but now that it is on cart, and a pretty professional job at that to, there is suddenly one more cartridge for the 8-bit that didn't exist before, so 8-bit collectors (like myself) should be interested somewhat (I am).

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Originally posted by Marco:

Damn, and there I was, thinking I did the 8-bit community at AtariAge a favor.. ah well






hey! Tempest doesn't speak for all of us, just because he's not interested doesn't mean other aren't interested. You did us a favor. Thanks!

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I didn't mean to say that they aren't cool or even neat to own, I was just saying that I wasn't going to pay $80 for a homemade hack. I just don't want people to get the impression that they found some unreleased games. I'd love to play some of those games on my 400/800 (now if only they'd put Utopia's Montezuma's Revenge on a cart).



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Originally posted by Tempest:

(now if only they'd put Utopia's Montezuma's Revenge on a cart).




You could always do a hack job yourself on the 16k version.


Normally, I'd agree (I do in this case if $80 is the price; I forgot to check), but I recently payed $66 and some odd cents for the Jaguar SpaceWar 2000 cart, which is a hack job (although it *is* something unknown/unavailable before). I'd hope the guy would have the decency to eventually release the rom of it for people to create their own, use a flashrom or an emulator. I bought it with the reasoning being that I was merely paying for parts and the service. If he somehow thinks that he is the owner of the unreleased rom just because he found it on a computer he bought, he's in for a shock. I doubt anyone in the Jaguar community would go for that, someone would try and get a hold of the proper owners for such an injustice. Anywho...I'm interested in this 2600 hack, but probably only about $25.00 worth (or whatever it would cost for the parts and nominal service fee, if more than that). That's how I work it with hardware hacks, or at least that's how I *would* handle it, if someone ever wanted me to do one of my controller projects or something else for them instead of just using my instructions for the mod (once I actually get my first mod instructions online, this is all highly speculative at this point, but not for long).

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I also draw the line at collecting pirate carts. It's pretty easy to slap an Eprom in an Atari 8-bit cartridge, especially since they're so easy to open. I have a few of these myself, most acquired as part of someone else's collection. If the collecting community drives the price of these carts up, it will only encourage more people to start creating these carts. Since it's so easy to create professional looking labels these days, I'd hate to see the market become flooded with commercial-quality knock-offs that are difficult to discern from the original (especially with the often poor quality of eBay auction photos).


I have nothing against people putting games onto cartridges, I just don't want to see people pushing these off as originals or real prototypes. The person running these auctions doesn't clearly state that these are cartridges he made himself, which I think is a bit misleading.



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  • 1 month later...

Hey I just bought some games from this guy!


His Homemade Hacks look pretty Professional to me. I don't know if the're worth the $20.00 he's trying to sell them for, but I'd pay that to be able to play a game on cart that wasn't available to me.


Would a Homebrew for the 2600, 5200, Coleco etc be worth $20? I think so! If you collect for that particular system, and you want every available cart, and they're cheap enough, why not? Are all Homebrews original games? I don't think so. There's been quite a few that are either hacks, ports, or revised protos.


I bid on a lot of 11 carts with 3 of them pirates. It cost me around $5 per cart, which I though was a fair price to pay since I needed most of them anyway. But when I asked him about the pirated games he told me he got them from a source in the UK. He acted like he didn't know anything about them. Kind of odd considering he stated he had made one of the games in a previous auction.


The one thing that scares me about all this is that what's to stop him from faking Bounty Bobs and Super Zaxxons or actual prototypes! Yikes!


I think as long as the seller is truthful about what he's selling and idiot bidders don't go crazy and create a false market for these things we'll be ok.

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Okay, I'll reply here rather than keep dual threads going. First, I would say that, yes, they are worth $20 - if you want that title on a cart, that is. It certainly cost that much in the time and effort to make one.


To me, "Homebrew" means a new program or at least a code modification of an old one. Those made by B&C, Dary etc are more reasonably called copy carts.


Faking prototypes has been done for years. Pretty easy to fool the unwary. Don't buy unless you are really sure. On eBay, you would pretty much have to know the dealer.


Duplicating a real cart can be fairly difficult. Bounty Bob for instance is a 40K program with bankswitching to run on a 16k machine. Okay, figure that out and burn new ones. Hmm, then find the same case (not the same as Miner49er, btw). Make an old looking label. Finally, sell it on eBAy for $50 to $75. Is that enough money for the effort?



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