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An introduction...and a stupid question!


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Hi to everybody!


Here's Fabrizio from Italy! I'm 32, in my young age i was an heavy 2600 user, then years passed (with a lot of other passions) and now i found myself to buy again all the game i dreamt as a kid (at that time here in italy prices for import stuff were ultraheavy!).


Discover that there's still a so large community devoted to REAL videogames in this era of PS/XBOX etc is a thing that does a real good effect to my heart...


Well i'd like to salute all of you and tell to you that my motto in the post means "I want them all!!!"...so i think that i a few time i'll meet some of you in some ebay duel :P


Here's the stupid question: i bought a boxed Activision decathlon and i received it (manufactured in AU) in a great plastic shell similar to the old videotapes ones. My child memories see all the activision carts boxed in regular carton boxes...


Is someone so kind to explain me this difference? Are all Acti games available in both versions or some are in carton box and other in plastic shell?


Thank you and sorry for my orrrrrible english!

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Hello Fabrizio, welcome to AtariAge.


All the original Activision games came in cardboard boxes. But in the late 1980s a company from Australia named HES officially licensed some 2600 PAL games from companies like Activision, Parker or Coleco/CBS. The HES games came in these plastic shells and were sold in Australia and Europe.


The HES version of Decathlon is even a bit different than the original Activision release. The code was fixed, because the original version wouldn't work on some of the later 7800 consoles.



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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Thank you Eckahard!

So i have an HES of Decathlon...Well i must say that the plastic boxes are relly great to see and easier to preserve from damaging...

I also got some interesting pirate edition of common games (frogger, pacman etc) made in taiwan and marketed from a napoli (!!!) company in standard little cardboard boxes and standard label...

The incredible thing is that on the box they put trademark of atari and of their company!!!!!!

Soon i'll post some pics...

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Okay, now I'm confused - isn't there already another Fabrizio on the site, the one who authored Space Treat Deluxe?  :?

Along with a few other thousand Fabrizios all around Italy, yes ;)


It's a pretty common name here, but I agree it wasn't very likely to meet another one here, in the same city as well!




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Ciao bella gente!


...well my english language knowledge comes from all the music i've listened during my life...and most of my fave bands are from UK/USA.


Regarding the two fab i must say (after a look at his personal site) that he is a "heavy sixer" while i'm just a "junior"!!!!! :) :)


Thankx to everyone who answered to this topic...i feel to be in RIGHT place now!!!!

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That's because English is a universal language. 99% of all space aliens speak it (according to B-movies, anyway).


But many of them seem to have a British accent! (???)

And I've always wondered why so many Imperials in Star Wars are British. Is there an Imperial academy in Birmingham, maybe??



Let me be the first Italian-American to welcome you! (am I the first?)

You will learn many things from the good people here.

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