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Threshold is EVIL!


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The game's hard. REAL hard. It's fast and unrelenting and it cheats. :P Each wave features a different enemy type, and I haven't made it far enough to see a repeat. Who knows HOW many enemies there are? It's that question that compels me to play again... and again... and again, until my wrist hurts enough and I'm frustrated enough to quit.


I think more games would have this addicting quality if they had different enemies and levels to see if you could get that far.

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Funny thing that Threshold was brought up. I found a copy the other weekend at a garage sale for $.10. I went home and couldn't play it though. Apparently my 2600jr. power adapter is shot and won't work any more, and the Threshold cartridge won't go into my 7800 without breaking it. :( Hopefully I'll be able to play it soon though. And it was nice to find such a rare game just lying around for $.10! :twisted:

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I think Threshold has gotten overlooked. It's really an outstanding 2600 shooter. I love the variety of enemies the game offers and how challenging it can be. Definitely a good test for the reflexes. :)


As far as comparing it to Megamania...I love both games, but for me, Threshold was always the more challenging of the two. Both are very addictive with regards to game play, but it took me longer to cycle through Threshold's enemies.

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Incidently, I've seen many instances on the net where Threshold was considered to be a rip-off of the arcade game Astro Blaster. I'm not sure whether or not the game author(s) made this intentional, but the sequence in the CV /C64 version where the mothership refuels the fighter is incredibly close to Astro Blaster. But then again, by nature, many shoot-em' ups ressembled each other.

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