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Finnaly broke the 200 different game mark!!!!!!!!!!!11


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With a copy of Golf and Air raiders. Some of my rarest are Obelix NTSC, Texas Chainsaw, Halloween, Chase the Chuck Wagon, Water World.


Congratulations! I reached my 200 mark a couple months ago, and I've kinda hit a brick wall. Going huntin today though. I think I have 201, half are complete! Some of my rarer ones include Chase the Chuckwagon, Scuba Diver, Miner 2049er II, and a boxed Sears Telegames Paddles. Good luck finding more!

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I think that I'm at 194 and I feel a bit stuck too. I'll occasionally get something new in a lot but I'm not yet willing to pay the individual prices for a rarer cart. :P If you're looking for commons, I have a bunch listed for trade (or sale) in the marketplace. Good luck hunting, I'm in a big city and that seems to be a lost cause here..... :)

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The problem I had when I first started collecting 2600 games was that I only wanted to get the easy to find games, then start working on the rare ones, but evertime I would try to stick with my plane, I would get a shot at a rare one then a nice bunch of easy to get games would pass me by as I paid for the rare one. A case in point, about 2 years ago I had just won two auctions on ebay for sealed copys of Tax Avoiders & Montezuma's revenge, the price was about $110,00 for both of them, then when I checked to see what else the seller had for sale, he had a sealed copy of Qberts Qubes sealed, but I had no money left and it sold for only $80.00.


:roll: :!: :sad:

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After seeing this thread, I decided to count the number of unique games in my 2600 collection...I was a little surprised to find that I'm at 255. Most of my carts are rarity 4 and below though. I have a little over a dozen 5s, a handful of 6s and 7s, and one 9--Waterworld. I'm trying to obtain all the known Sears variants at the moment. After I accomplish that task, I'm going to SLOWLY ($$$) begin acquiring the rarer carts.

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I'm at 146 ( i think) and i haven't beeen collecting or playing for the last few months i think thats all about to change though. I'm sure by this time next year i'll be at or over 200 i seem not to have much trouble finding atari games here in NC for some reason?

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Vermont has only recently became a goldmine for video games...in my opinion.


I know a guy I can call up anytime about 2600 games...when he gets in more. He's a little off his rocker...but has great deals.


I might keep going and see how many 2600 games I can get.


I have some more games for trade in a thread in the Marketplace. Check it out.


(shameless promotion) :D

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What are you looking for?


I have some games for trade and I don't mean to keep hyping them..LOL.


And they can be sold for cheap if trade is not possible.


I only know of a few experts around here. I've never met most of them in person but that could change someday.

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I am at....21 different games and one double! go me! Lol! I have not worked on my Atari collection since late July...It is kind of rough having a job where I only work 2-3 times a week, and then having to be at Highschool, and when I am not doing homework or working, I am sleeping. But, since it has been quite some time since I bought any games, my next paycheck just might be going all for games, and then I will be able to add around 12 or so more games to my Atari collection and then have quite a bit of money left over to buy NES, VB, and other games! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

As of last night, I received my 200th different cartridge in the mail thanks to trades with fellow AtariAge members. :) As I have 13 more on the way from various purchases, I'll be at 225 before I know it! I have yet to get anything above a rarity 6, however.....gotta leave something to work towards.

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I currently have 271 games not including anything in the mail. :D


I love Atari games and this also doesn't include any of my 5200, 7800 or Computer games which I also have many of. The favorites and I guess rarest of my collection are Chainsaw Massacre w/Instructions, Glib, Obelix w/Instructions, Bumper Bash w/Instructions and my 3 boxed Adult games (2 Mystique, 1 Playaround). :)


I have not counted my games before now, it was interesting to see how many I had.

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I love Atari games and this also doesn't include any of my 5200, 7800 or Computer games which I also have many of.  The favorites and I guess rarest of my collection are Chainsaw Massacre w/Instructions, Glib, Obelix w/Instructions, Bumper Bash w/Instructions and my 3 boxed Adult games (2 Mystique, 1 Playaround).   :)  


I have not counted my games before now, it was interesting to see how many I had.


These are actually only my 2600 games as well and only a count of different games, not label variations. I'm just now getting 5200 games so my stash of those is quite small. My 7800 collection isn't bad but nothing rare there. I have a habit of buying individual carts that I need (usually from e-bay) only to win one as part of a lot later on. This means that I have a huge number to trade so hopefully, I can get some of the ones that I need that way.


In regard to counting, I keep mine listed in an Excel spreadsheet so it counts for me.... 8)

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Hunting is pretty much a lost cause here so most of my cartridges come from online purchases and trades.  I have a ton of carts to trade so I'm hoping to get more that way.... :)


Have you tried video stores in your local area? You pretty much have to search every inch of the video store (I'm not kidding) because I have found games hidden away in thrift stores and at flea markets and so forth. People become embarassed that they can't sell the games and hide them.


Another thing you should do is keep an eye on the classifieds in your local paper. I bought several games from someone in this area and he always places ads in the newspaper. I didn't even get ripped off either! I'm calling him up soon..gonna see if he's got anything new in.


You can't give up. I bought a lot of Atari stuff on EBay, but I'm getting sick of being outbid by guys like topol777 who just turn around and re-sell everything they win... :x


But you get the picture.


I'm pretty much addicted to video games. It's safe to say that it's surpassed my once strong addiction to alcohol..which is always good news. :D

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These are actually only my 2600 games as well and only a count of different games, not label variations.  I'm just now getting 5200 games so my stash of those is quite small.  My 7800 collection isn't bad but nothing rare there.  I have a habit of buying individual carts that I need (usually from e-bay) only to win one as part of a lot later on.  This means that I have a huge number to trade so hopefully, I can get some of the ones that I need that way.


In regard to counting, I keep mine listed in an Excel spreadsheet so it counts for me.... 8)


OOPS I counted all of my games which includes a few but not too many label varients. Also depends on what you mean by that because what about Sears games that may have a different name but are the same game as an Atari release. I guess I probably have about 240-250 different games then. I didn't think of that, too busy counting. I don't have anything rare in my 5200 collection right now and my rarest 7800 is Tank Command. :D

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I'm at 428 games for the 2600 to this point. That includes homebrews, some repros, label variations, common titles, PAL only titles, Brazillian pirate carts and rare titles. I only have about 10 Sears carts in that mix. the only "original" game listed under a rarity 5 in the Atariage guide that I do not have is Glacier Patrol. The funny thing is that I never planned on collecting for the 2600. I just started getting some of the games that I liked that I didn't have already as a child. After I completed my 5200 and 7800 collections, I started concentrating on the 2600.


Since I am running out of inexpensive games to collect for the 2600, I'll soon turn my attention to the label variations and Zellers and Sears carts that I do not have. :D

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