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Jetboot Jack

Jetboot Jack

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I've updated my website to be more easily navigable and more soothing on the eyes. If you've not visited, go, on give it a go :) But I have removed all the downloadable A8 game demos from the site.


If you want any of these files please let me know via email (jetbootjack@jetbootjack.com).


I'd also like to take this opportunity to let you all know I will no longer be on these boards, infact I have decided to give up A8 life. Its been a fun 24 years, but certain factors in the last few weeks have conspired to rob me of my enthusiasm for the Atari...



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I've updated my website to be more easily navigable and more soothing on the eyes.



But I have removed all the downloadable A8 game demos from the site.



I'd also like to take this opportunity to let you all know I will no longer be on these boards, infact I have decided to give up A8 life. Its been a fun 24 years, but certain factors in the last few weeks have conspired to rob me of my enthusiasm for the Atari...

:sad: :sad: I hate to hear that Steve. I hope this is just a "vacation" and you'll come back soon. Your A8 input will be missed.

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Come on Steve, don't take several stuff from minority here too personal just to give up... i know that A8 is still living in your heart...


and on every board you have kind of silly discussions sometime going on and on... but that's live... :)


you would be definitly missed here... as you know both sides...the commercial & "private" side of atari coding... and you know UK + US...and you are prof. (still in gamesbis) as far as i remember... so i love to have this kind of "insight"...


cheers, karolj


ps. see you E3 next year...

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Steve, I'm a little confused.


Few weeks back you said you were inspired to do some new coding.

Now your inspiration seems to be gone with the wind. That's a big shame.


I started on A8 when I was a kid in the late 80's with only a tapedeck. I've spent years on the Atari 8bit just as a hobby, not knowing of the community. I thought I was the only one, some weirdo that just has a strange hobby. I started the Super Mario-clones, living with the thought that I would never share the program with anyone, except some close friends (that already were working with PC's). When I entered the internet few years ago a new world opened before my eyes. I made my SIO2PC cable, and downloaded the Emulator. Then I found this Forum, and I've never been happier in my whole life about working on my A8. I think this community is a great support for those who want to develop things.


So, why stop now???


Shine on you crazy diamond.




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Not what I expected to read when I clicked on the Thead. :sad:


Reading Jet Boot's and others' insights into A8/5200 coding is half the reason I come here. But if doing the A8 thing is bringing you down, by all means abandon it and do something else. For a while. Hopefully (for us) your motivation will come back.

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I'm hoping that it's just the general "why am i doing this?!" feeling people get after fifteen to twenty years working on the same box - i've taken a year off once or twice for the same reason and eventually i came back. Steve, you've been an interesting person to talk to and i think it'd be a shame for the board and possibly you too if you were to leave permanently.


Like the new look of the site by the way, it's subtle in a nice way.

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I think what offended Steve the most was the heavy-handedness with which some people handled programming topics. Even though he's got quite a resume when it comes to A8 development, lately he's been the victim of several "my way or the highway" responses.



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I think what offended Steve the most was the heavy-handedness with which some people handled programming topics. Even though he's got quite a resume when it comes to A8 development, lately he's been the victim of several "my way or the highway" responses.  


Bah, you can't let those people get to you. They're always going to be around, you might as well learn to ignore them like I do. But I can understand where he's coming from, I've almost dropped out of the hobby several times in the last year or two because of some bad experiences with some people. The only things that kept me coming back is a love for Atari and the fact that I wasn't going to let a few assholes ruin my hobby. Still, sometimes it helps to take a little time off to cool down and "recharge". Hopefully JBJ will be back.



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