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Earth or Fire?


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Earth or Fire, thats a simple question


Im planning to buy either SwordQuest: Earthworld or SwordQuest: Fireworld, I will eventually buy both but wich one do you think I should buy first? SwordQuest: Earthworld to start the saga or SwordQuest: Fireworld for X and Y reasons


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Earth or Fire, thats a simple question


Im planning to buy either SwordQuest: Earthworld or SwordQuest: Fireworld, I will eventually buy both but wich one do you think I should buy first? SwordQuest: Earthworld to start the saga or SwordQuest: Fireworld for X and Y reasons


Thanks For The Feedback


Swordquest isn't very playable without the comics. Still, if you can only get one, get Earthworld. The mini-games don't suffer from numerous bugs the way Fireworld does, and your character controls better, plus the graphics are more colorful.

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Yes, you can't play the game with out the comic book, so make sure you get a complete set of both games. I am going to step away from the pack here and say that I kind of liked the Swordquest games because it had a good story line and the idea of winning a prize when the contest came out, was mind blowing at the time, I was about 10 years old when it Earthworld came out and I tried my best to win the game, but it was to hard, but I still liked it.


:!: :roll: ;)

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So what is it that you people like about these games? Cool comic book? So what, has nothing to do with the game. Neither does the contest or the storyline or the box artwork. There is not one positive thing you can say about the actual game. The action scenes are unspeakably bad, the games really aren't a puzzle, just randomly arranging your useless items until a number shows up on the screen.


Somepne please tell me why you enjoy the GAMEPLAY of this series.

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Earthword pissed me off so much that I soon got a Colecovision so I could play a cool RPG like Tunnels & Trolls.


So you see where that got me.


and then how did you feel when it never came out, and I was playing dragon stomper, raiders of the lost ark, survival island, etc ? :-)


(not to mention the excellent INTY d&d games....)

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The swordquest games definately seem to be the most universally reviled 2600 games, even far beyond the ranks of pac man and E.T.


Of course, as universally reviled games, that means I enjoyed them :) I had fun reading the manual, reading the comics and solving the riddles and puzzles and playing the arcade sections. I still think it's a very fun, unqiue mix. Of course, if you don't put yourself in it at all, you'll get nothing from it.


There are some games that you can just play and put nothing into them and get instant enjoyment, that's the 2600's strong suit really. The SQ games, however are just the opposite. If you put nothing into these games, that's exactly what you'll get back (kind of like a complicated computer strategy game,)


But with player investment, I believe anyone will find the diamond in the rough that is the swordquest games. I was so hooked, I bought and solved all three at original full retail back in the day and never regretted it.


Sadly, (imho,) the best of the SQ games is also the most expensive and hardest to find (Waterworld,) I feel the control, fluidity of the game and it's arcade sections and audio/video are the best of the series.

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The swordquest games definately seem to be the most universally reviled 2600 games, even far beyond the ranks of pac man and E.T.


Of course, as universally reviled games, that means I enjoyed them :) I had fun reading the manual, reading the comics and solving the riddles and puzzles and playing the arcade sections. I still think it's a very fun, unqiue mix. Of course, if you don't put yourself in it at all, you'll get nothing from it.


There are some games that you can just play and put nothing into them and get instant enjoyment, that's the 2600's strong suit really. The SQ games, however are just the opposite. If you put nothing into these games, that's exactly what you'll get back (kind of like a complicated computer strategy game,)


But with player investment, I believe anyone will find the diamond in the rough that is the swordquest games. I was so hooked, I bought and solved all three at original full retail back in the day and never regretted it.


Sadly, (imho,) the best of the SQ games is also the most expensive and hardest to find (Waterworld,) I feel the control, fluidity of the game and it's arcade sections and audio/video are the best of the series.

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