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To a degree you're right. However 99% of the "space invader"-type shooters like Astroblast, Megamania, Phoenix, etx....are lame certainly the first few rounds. Really, Astroblast is no different imo. It is a little moreso easier though I have to agree.

Come on though, it is pretty cool that you can use both the joystick OR the paddle though....

I'd give it a 6 out of 10. Not great, doesn't suck....

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Never really played the 2600 version.. but back in the day the thing that was exciting about the Intellivision version was all the new enemies that would pop out if you played the game long enough (hey, this was a big deal in them early days :lol: :D).


Are all the enemies like the Flying Sauce that shoots you) in the 2600 version as well?

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Astroblast is a bad game.  I find this game to be as easy and repetetive as Laser Blast.  There, I said it.  Any thoughts?  :P :D




You must be joking. Astroblast is the best M Network game and is WAY better than Laser Blast. Actually, I think Astroblast is better than 2600 Space Invaders.



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For my money, Astroblast is great game...I'd give it an 8/10. I enjoyed it a great deal BEFORE I learned that paddles could also be used with it...once I used the paddles, there was no turning back! :D


I think the longer you play into the game, the better it gets because, naturally, the computer gets faster. This does take a little while, but it's well worth it.


As for Laser Blast...yeah, it's mindblowingly repetetive (once you get the hang of it, you could play forever and ever and ever and ever and..) but it's still kinda fun to fire up once in a while.

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The Intellivision version did indeed have a flying saucer which is missing from the 2600 edittion. The Inty edition is much better due to the variety of enemies.


You all do know that Astrosmash was supposed to be a rip off of Asteroids, then the programmer added this bonus SI-inspired game? Mattel was scared of Atari lawsuits, so they coded around the Meteor game and just sold Astrosmash. Yet the code for Meteor is still included and very playable.

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With all of this talk about the Intellivision, is there a good collection of Intellivision games for the Playstation 2 (or another console) which includes the game you are talking about? (And plays similar to the original without sucking too much?)



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I played this game for about a 1/2 hour last night, and I'm inclined to agree with sku_u. It's not an awful game. Mostly, it just wasn't that fun. But I didn't find it easy. I found it difficult to shoot down those rotating white things before they hit the ground and destroyed my ship.


The game concept is good, but, IMO, Astroblast dosen't due it justice.


The game has the look and feel (and sound) of an early 'Atari' release, which is interesting. Overall I'd call it dead average--5/10.

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I play Astroblast now and then. Still remember when I got it, and thought it was cool that you got to start with 10 ships, but boy can you lose them quick when everything speeds up. I also didn't discover that it used a paddle or joystick for the longest time. Definitely find paddles make the game a lot easier.

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