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Backfire Cart Now Available


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BackfireRelease.jpgChad Lare's new Atari 2600 homebrew game Backfire is now available for purchase in the AtariAge Store. The Backfire cartridge feature's Earl Green's winning entry in the Backfire Label Contest, and a twelve page, full-color manual created by Dale Crum and Chad Lare, with additional artwork from Earl Green. In addition, Chad Lare has released the final version of the binary, which features some tweaks to the version released previously. You can learn more about Backfire (and download the binary) here and purchase it in cartridge form here.
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I just want to thank Earl for creating such great artwork and Dale for putting the manual together. I haven't seen the finished manual yet, but from what I have heard it is really well done. Also, thank you to Albert and everyone else at Atari Age.


I also want to point out that Backfire is much more "user friendly" on an actual Atari with a joystick. I did most of my testing using my Cuttle Cart and I admit that it is very difficult to play using a computer keyboard.



I wonder who will be the first one to find the Easter Egg!

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I didn't realize that I'm such a celebrity now, but if you would like my autograph I guess we could arrange that.


Albert is sending me a label to autograph for Earl (the winner of the label contest). If there are enough other people who are interested in having a signed copy, I guess I could get some more copies of the labels and sign them. (Personally I think it would be a shame to put my ugly signature on that beautiful label.)


For the record...


I was just kidding about doing a Backfire Minus addition. This will be the only version of Backfire. I promise.

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Phosphor Dot Fossils - Thank you for the compliment and thank you for the amazing artwork.


I can barely play it in an emulator. The emulators do a pretty good job at running it, but it just doesn't feel right to use the keyboard. It's still pretty hard on the actual system, but it does play a lot better.


At one point I gave some serious thought to making the game easier, but I can get more than half way to rolling the counter, so I decided to keep it how it is. It is hard, but the difficulty progresses slowly. I never liked games that get difficult really fast and then stay at the same difficulty level. I wanted a more gradual progression.


I also thought about using the difficulty switches on the back, but I decided against it so that there would be only one version of the game. That way, if we ever do a high score contest we can be sure that everyone is playing the same game.


I agree that a signed manual might be better. I'll check with Albert and see if he can send me some to sign and I'll send them back. I hope to make it to a gaming show at some point so that I can meet some of you in person.

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Congratulations Gateway.


I wondered if anyone would figure that out. Jack Turney is a former boss of mine who was a real jerk, so I decided to use his name for the evil clan of invaders.


I got the idea from Yars Revenge. Yar = Ray. Razak Galaxy = Kazar. (Ray Kazar was the CEO of Atari at the time.)


I had to put the ' in K'caj because it looked strange without it.

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You're right, it is Kassar not Kazar. In the comic book they spell the name of the galaxy Razak. They must have changed the spelling to make it less obvious.



I've only tested it on my 2600 with my Cuttle Cart. I haven't tried it on the 7800. Backfire doesn't really use any strange programming tricks. It's all pretty standard stuff, so my guess is that it would work. Then again I don't really know that much about the 7800.

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