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Atari BASIC for thePC


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I don't fully understand what it is you are trying to do. If you want to write an Atari Basic program, just do it within the emulator. If you want to load up a file that's not a disk image .atr, use Atari800Win's hard drive function (file->harddrive->folder). Then reboot the emulator and type LOAD "H1:FILENAME.BAS" within the emulator.

Atari Basic contains some commands/functions that will not work with any Basic made for the PC (not to mention peeks & pokes)...and I don't know of any Basic's that handle string variables the same way that Atari does.

If you are saying that the emulator itself will not go into Basic mode, make sure that the "disable basic" option is unchecked when you reboot the emulator, and the ATARIBAS.ROM is selected in the cartridge field.


When you reboot, you should see the blue screen with the READY prompt. This shows that Basic is running...so type away. When you want to save the program, type SAVE "D:filename.ext" to save it to the current disk image selected, or SAVE "H1:filename.ext" to save the program to the hard drive folder. If you booted the emulator with no Dos selected by mistake, you can save the state or use the NoDos routine I posted in the "tape images" thread in this forum.


If you are saying that you don't have the ATARIBAS.ROM file, check the zipfile that you got your OS romfiles from...it's usually with them. You can also grab it from Mindfield's FTP (since Holmes appears to still be down)...


I'll email it to you if you can't access ftp.


[ 12-09-2001: Message edited by: Nukey Shay ]

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BTW games written under Qbasic are basically just text files...so you could -import- the game into Atari Basic using Atari800Win. You would need to open the .bas file with notepad and add line numbers and replace all PC carriage returns with Atari carriage returns ( › ). Save the text file to Atari800Win's hard drive folder, and type ENTER"H1:filename.txt" in Atari Basic. Commands that are not recognized will include an error message at the start of the lines, so you may need to do some editing afterward. Games that use extensive sound/graphics would need major modifications, however.


[ 12-10-2001: Message edited by: Nukey Shay ]

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