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Activision Anthology: Remix Edition for Win/Mac..


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Why does it take a minimum of 128 megabytes to run this game? I only have 128 megabytes total on my system. Have programmers gotten that lazy that it takes that much memory to emulate an Atari 2600?


I hope that they come up with this version for the PS2 because I can not afford to buy a new computer just to get this to run correctly :sad:

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I did the "conversion".  


Annoying to find it was all for naught.


Aww man that sucks. Hate to see all your hard work go to waste. I thought the point of the conversion in the first place was to get around Taito not licensing the Double Dragon name. Did that not fly with the lawyers?



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Yup, and a great chance to attract more people to our great hobby


I doubt it, the only people who would want to pick this title up is the people already in our great hobby. I played the ps2 version with my friend, and he loved it, but when we were looking for another game to buy, I showed him the box for it and he said "I would never play a game that lookes that gay. Put that crap back on the shelf!"

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a free copy, and an awful lot of free exposure that could lead to a few more actual cart sales :)

Yup, and a great chance to attract more people to our great hobby. :)


Not only that, it's also like putting a message in a bottle and seeing where it lands. I'll be curious to see what far-flung parts of the world start playing Euchre - as a card game, not a video game. Maybe it will gain popularity outside the Midwest U.S.! :)

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Hi there!


an awful lot of free exposure that could lead to a few more actual cart sales :)


I'd bet on the opposite result.





I have to agree with you there.


I probably would have been interested in this much more if it were available as an upgrade for the PS2 version. Then again, I already own 99% of these games in cart form and can play all but the two prototypes in Emulation if I really want to, so it's doubtful that I would have bought it.


I'm actually surprised that the homebrew authors are okay with Activision profiting off their games without the homebrewer seeing any money at all.

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This is exciting news! Judging from the system requirements, it looks like it'll even run on my aging (more than 4 years old) PC.


I'd love to see an Activision C64 Anthology, too.


There already was one. I wasn't too fussed about it though. (Yes I have it, and yes, I'd be willing to sell it)


If you're talking about Activision's Commodore 64 15 Pack, then I've got that one, too. I meant a new version, like the one that was in development for PS2, possibly with more titles.


Activision's Commodore 64 15 Pack wasn't too shabby considering the time that it was released (late 1995), but the sound emulation took a serious hit. That's why I'd like to see Activision give this another go today, seeing how far emulation has advanced in the last few years. In particular, emulation of the SID chip is much closer to the real thing.

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I'm actually surprised that the homebrew authors are okay with Activision profiting off their games without the homebrewer seeing any money at all.


It'd be nice to see them get something out of it. But on the one hand, Activision doesn't have to include the games in the first place (more work for them to do so), and on the other hand - the authors don't have to agree to let Activision publish their work, either. I'm sure the terms were made clear up front.


If I was in the homebrew authors' shoes, I'd love to have my work included on a commercial release with the likes of Pifall II and Megamania. Just the bragging rights alone would be worth it. Especially since it would be for a game I had already finished. If they were asking for people to spend their time programming something new specifically for the Anthology without paying them, that would be a whole 'nother matter.


Anyway, by the time you figure in all of the costs associated with publishing a software title, and how much would eventually trickle back down to the homebrew authors, it would probably amount to diddly squat.

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I'm actually surprised that the homebrew authors are okay with Activision profiting off their games without the homebrewer seeing any money at all.


First, Activision is hardly profiting off the included homebrews. The popularity of the PS2 anthology proved that there was a market which they have now expanded to other systems (GBA, PC, Mac). Activision could have simply included the same titles on the new release, but they decided that many homebrews were good enough to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Activision label. And I, for one, am very proud to have Skeleton+ included.


What I'm trying to say is the Activision library is selling the anthology, not the homebrews. The homebrews are a bonus.


Second, the license agreement for the Skeleton+ binary specifically permits people to play it using an emulator, a RAM cart (e.g. Supercharger or CuttleCart) or even burn an EPROM for personal use. So anyone who wishes to play Skeleton+ can do so without buying the cartridge from AtariAge or Pack Rat. (Yet over 100 have done so.) Thus, having Skeleton+ included in the anthology deprives me of few sales but merely increases the number of people who can enjoy playing it.


Finally, there is something very, very rewarding about dreaming of the day when my son can take copies of Skeleton+ to show-and-tell and say "my Dad did this", or be able to say "that's mine" any time I see someone playing Skeleton+.


Personal accomplishment, ego trips, and flat out fun is why I program for the Atari 2600 & 7800, not personal profit. (Though purchasing Skeleton+ has to be the most sincere compliment I can think of.)


Oh, and Activision simply asked whether any homebrewers would like to be included and I'm sure they had no shortage of volunteers. We entered into the contract willingly, knowing full well how we would be compensated.

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