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AVGCart and PDM music issue


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First of all, sorry if this issue was mentioned before. I was doing a search and couldn't find this specific problem I'm having. I didn't want it to be in the AVGCart topic as this is a particular problem I'm having.


Yesterday I got my new AVGCart. First thing I did was update the firmware, and create a SD card with everything I want inside, plus the firmware files on the root to use those extra features this cart offers. 


So far everything file-related work fine (Atari XEX, ATR, CAS, CAR, etc). But today I wanted to create some PDM files and followed the instructions from this link: De Re AVGCART – Atari 8Bit


I'm supposed to go to this page: FujiConvert (eclsoft.com)    and select IDE Player. Nothing else, right? PDM/MONO/PAL look ok to me. I loaded some mp3, wav and m4a audios and converted them... but only one of them works fine (it was an m4a by the way). All the others, and they are A LOT, like 20 other files were converted but they don't play right. I made a video so you can see what I get. I tried the AVGCart on a 65XE (128KB RAM) and a 800XL with the Ultimate 1MB. Same result in both.


I'm completely new to this cartridge, and know nothing about PDM files. Any idea about what's going on here? :)



Edited by scelbi8h
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maybe have a look here at this post in this thread and have a read as lots of related PDM and AVG conversion/settings info here:




@rcamp48 has been doing a lot of PDM music (and also AVG video) conversions of late and might be able to assist? :)

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@scelbi8h  also an obvious thread to look for all things Fujiconvert is:



Plus it's always worth checking the conversion download preview on the fujiconvert page itself after a conversion before you even transfer it to the AVG cart:



I've not converted any music PDMs for a while. Did a few for my SIDE3 cart including some Skyrim toons.


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53 minutes ago, Beeblebrox said:

maybe have a look here at this post in this thread and have a read as lots of related PDM and AVG conversion/settings info here:




@rcamp48 has been doing a lot of PDM music (and also AVG video) conversions of late and might be able to assist? :)

Thanks, I read that post before and selected all those options. Stereo, mono, all the possible combinations... no luck. What I was looking for is some post describing the weird playback issue I get, but so far I found nothing mentioned.


19 minutes ago, Beeblebrox said:

@scelbi8h  also an obvious thread to look for all things Fujiconvert is:



Plus it's always worth checking the conversion download preview on the fujiconvert page itself after a conversion before you even transfer it to the AVG cart:



I've not converted any music PDMs for a while. Did a few for my SIDE3 cart including some Skyrim toons.




So far I only tried the converter from the page from the link. Is there any other utility for this purpose? Weird thing is the only file that worked was "West End Blues" (Louis Armstrong) and now I tried some others from the same album. They do work well. But nothing else, no other artist... I think the AVGCart like the oldies! BTW, every file I tried played well on the preview from the converter page. They fail only on my Atari computers..

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I had the same problem several times. Reasons could be a) fragmentation (deleting several files on the SD-card and then copying new stuff onto the card) and b) wear and tear protection of the card for certain sectors (the SD-card trying to use sectors that have not been used that often).


Solved problem a) in a stupid way, by always formatting the card before copying new stuff onto it - but therefore problem b) happened soon, which I solved by buying new cards. This problem also happened more often, when the SD-card was almost full - so I simply bought a larger card  (first 16GB, then 32GB, atm 64GB, but sooner or later 128GB or 256GB).



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