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Is it possible to burn ADAM cassettes in 2022?


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So the Coleco ADAM was the very first computer I ever owned or used. I had to flee my country in 2001 (thanks osama) and sadly the ADAM got left behind... only God knows what ever became of it.


Anyway, this isn't about the ADAM, it's about the giant box of cassettes that came with it. I guess most Coleco kids played cartridges, but in pirate country our games came in cassettes, and I inherited the previous owner's massive collection.


How does one, in the year of our lord 2022, burn a ColecoVision ROM into a Coleco ADAM cassette? Do I just plug my computer to a boombox and turn the .rom into an .mp3 and blast it out the aux port or what? :clown_face: I have computers available dating back to the Win98 era, if that helps, although I fear even that may be too new to replicate the original process.


Thanks in advance and long live Coleco!

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It's a process and some have actually successfully converted WAV files back to an ADAM digital data pack (cassette), but there are modern solutions that are much better options than investing a lot of time and effort trying to use old school methods. If all you want is to have access to a large ColecoVision cartridge collection (rom image) or ADAM Software collection (data pack or disk image), for use with a CV & ADAM emulator or to use on actual hardware, visit:






There are 3 modern SD Drive solutions that can be used on an actual ADAM:


- AtariMax Ultimate SD Cart for playing rom image files. http://www.atarimax.com

- ADAM Drive Emulator (ADE) for using DDP, Disk and ROM (32K or smaller) image files. https://lundyelectronics.com

- FujiNet ADAM same as the ADE but with additional hardware capabilities like WiFi. https://fujinet.online


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