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Makewav Help


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Recently I aquired a supercharger and was looking to make a CD of games I own to use with it so I don't have to switch between carts and can keep them wrapped up and safe. I have been trying to use the MWDOS program, but I have no idea how to use it. Evertime I bring it up through the command prompt i try to enter commands but I don't know what I'm doing or if it even works on my computer. The instructions for the program don't really explain how you use it atleast not in a simple way that I can understand. So if anyone is adept at this and can walk me through it...I would be very thankful:)




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I use the latest version which supports batch transfers that is the line I will give you just replace the letter "X" with a,b,c,d...... and so on. You need to have the program unzipped in the folder that you have your roms in. and after that go to your command prompt and get to that directory I will use mine, you will have to find to directory that your roms and makewav program are in.


C:program filesatari roms makewav -ts -f0 X*.bin


my directory is c:program filesatari roms you will need to use yours


then I type in the program name followed by -ts with specifys they are for the supercharger (you will not be able to convert all roms for supercharger) and if you don't modify it they won't load reliably. I modified mine with some wires and a switch at this website:




the -f0 (that is an f with a zero) this makes them play slower and more reliably


I hope this helps, I know it took me a while to figure it out. Just post another reply and tell me how it goes. and I have the little chps and switches that are needed to modify the supercharger. You can still load them without modification, you just might need to try and load them a few times before they work.


Let me know how it goes


-Brad Karston

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I have never gotten down to the specifics of the supercharger I just modified it from the instructions on the web. Am I to assume that it isn't possible to make the games that don't convert work on the SC?


I really wish that guy would get the copyrights back from Brigestone Multimedia and start making Cuttle Carts again. Then we could play every game from the computer :)


Let me know if it is possible to load larger game with the SC.


-Brad Karston

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I have never gotten down to the specifics of the supercharger I just modified it from the instructions on the web. Am I to assume that it isn't possible to make the games that don't convert work on the SC?  


I really wish that guy would get the copyrights back from Brigestone Multimedia and start making Cuttle Carts again. Then we could play every game from the computer :)


Let me know if it is possible to load larger game with the SC.


-Brad Karston


Rights are not the reason why Chad isn't making CCs anymore.


I'm sure he can explain it better than I can, but in general, he said there wasn't enough ROI to keep making them. I don't know how much demand has accumulated since he finished the 2nd run but it seemed to me that most of the demand was bet in the 2nd run.


I don't think he had much of a profit margin on each one.


If the 2600-on-a-chip portable ever becomes a reality it would be great if they licensed the CC technology and then maybe hooked a CD walkman to it.


BTW, There should still be Starpath CDs for sale through Randy Crihfield.

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Then we could play every game from the computer :)



You might know this already, but if you want to play games from the computer you can use Schell's PLAYBIN.EXE with a Supercharger. That way you don't have to make wav's out of them, you simply select the bin game file and it will play the required audio stream right out of your pc. It was made for the Cuttle Cart of course, but it has a Supercharger selector for those who want to use it with one (of course only the games that will work on a Supercharger modded or not are applicable)



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I did download that program but then you have to wade thru all of the roms that don't work with the supercharger. If you just run each letter thru makewav it will skip all of the ones that are incompatible. I just think it is easier in the end, just more work to make it easier.?.?.




-Brad Karston

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C:program filesatari roms makewav -ts -f0 X*.bin  


my directory is c:program filesatari roms you will need to use yours  


then I type in the program name followed by -ts with specifys they are for the supercharger (you will not be able to convert all roms for supercharger) and if you don't modify it they won't load reliably.


THANK YOU!!!! :D I was hoping someone could teach me by example....I will give it a try tonite. I don't think I'm going to mod my SC, just keep it stock until I can find another one for a reasonable price.


I'll let you know how it worked :)




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I did download that program but then you have to wade thru all of the roms that don't work with the supercharger. If you just run each letter thru makewav it will skip all of the ones that are incompatible. I just think it is easier in the end, just more work to make it easier.?.?.

I just noticed that there is a bug in version 2.2 of Playbin that keeps it from working properly with the Supercharger. I already fixed it, so hopefully Chad will post an updated version to his website soon.


Makewav doesn't identify the binaries that would work properly on the Supercharger. It just doesn't convert the ones that are too large. You can only use binaries that are 2K, 4K or 6K on the SC. Also there is a special file format for SC (multiload) binaries, that is 8448 (or a multiple thereof) bytes large. If you use the Windows Explorer to sort your ROM directory by size and copy all binaries that are 6K or smaller into a seperate directory, you can easily use them with Playbin as well. And you would need far less disk space than with a converted WAV file collection ;)



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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Rights are not the reason why Chad isn't making CCs anymore.


I'm sure he can explain it better than I can, but in general, he said there wasn't enough ROI to keep making them.  I don't know how much demand has accumulated since he finished the 2nd run but it seemed to me that most of the demand was bet in the 2nd run.


I don't think he had much of a profit margin on each one.


If the 2600-on-a-chip portable ever becomes a reality it would be great if they licensed the CC technology and then maybe hooked a CD walkman to it.


BTW, There should still be Starpath CDs for sale through Randy Crihfield.


Actually I just found this on the cuttle cart website that proves your first statement wrong.


Quote from cuttle cart website - "The Cuttle Carts are sold out and no longer in production. They were a limited run item, with a total of 204 carts produced. I have no plans to produce more Cuttle Carts in the future. My license with Bridgestone Multimedia has expired."

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I just noticed that there is a bug in version 2.2 of Playbin that keeps it from working properly with the Supercharger. I already fixed it, so hopefully Chad will post an updated version to his website soon.

Chad has released Playbin 2.3 for Win32 and various versions of WinCE on his website some days ago. So, if there really is someone out there who would like to use it with his Supercharger, the program does finally work now. ;)



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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Rights are not the reason why Chad isn't making CCs anymore.


I'm sure he can explain it better than I can, but in general, he said there wasn't enough ROI to keep making them.  I don't know how much demand has accumulated since he finished the 2nd run but it seemed to me that most of the demand was bet in the 2nd run.


Actually I just found this on the cuttle cart website that proves your first statement wrong.


Quote from cuttle cart website - "The Cuttle Carts are sold out and no longer in production. They were a limited run item, with a total of 204 carts produced. I have no plans to produce more Cuttle Carts in the future. My license with Bridgestone Multimedia has expired."



Just to clarify here, mos6507 is correct in his statements. One of the main reasons I stopped making Cuttle Carts was due to insufficient demand to justify production of another batch. A minimum number of units are required before I can assemble them at a sufficiently low price to offer them for $100.00. There were other issues as well that made me no longer wish to continue manufacturing them, including the licensing issue as I knew the license was set to expire relatively soon and I did not want to get stuck sitting on stock that I could not legally sell.


At this point though, my license has expired. So even if I sensed demand was sufficient and wanted to make more, I could not. (At least not without a new license, and obtaining that license wasn't exactly fun.)


So I've moved on to the Cuttle Cart 2, and it is highly unlikely that the original Cuttle Cart will ever be made again.



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