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Thanks for all your help and contributions


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As corny and cliched as it sounds, I'd like to take the opportunity to personally thank everyone out there who contributed to the Anthology projects.


PS2, GBA, PC and Mac. "You know who you are."


I'd also to point out that both Albert and Alex have been a HUGE help to the project as well.


Whatever assets I wasn't able to get from the dedictated 2600 followers such as yourselves, A&A stepped up to the plate and delivered.


Everything that Activision ever needed assistance with, regarding the good 'ol days.. can TRULY be found here. :-)


Next year, I am REALLY going to try and push the "Powers That Be" here, to support the Austin Gaming Expo. From what I've seen and been told, the show was nothing short of spectacular.


That's the sort of stuff Activision should really stand behind, and I'll do my best to push for that. ;-)


Activision worked very closely with A&A during the Anthology development process. Even closer on the Online portion of the project. It was A&A who actually created the long-lost Activisions Newsletter website.


Not the AA site that you see now, but the actual re-incarnation of the Activisions Newsletter. The one that was supposed to launch simultaneously with the PS2 title.


My hope is that in time, the guys WILL post that newsletter. They have the rights to do so, and I'm hoping they'll take advantage of it.


Thanks Again, Everyone!


- Ken

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I think the Activision Anthology is a cool idea (even though I don't own it since I don't own any modern systems... which is because I'd really only want them so I could play the classic stuff, which I already have!)... anyway, a question for you:


How come the Anthology website identifies Cosmic Commuter as "Cosmic Commander"? Is it that way in the actual game too?

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