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Logiker's Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2022


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For the second year in a row, Logiker is inviting programmers to the Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge. Last year when we drew a Christmas tree, it appears only two entries (one strict and one creative) came from the A8 camp, compared to 30++ entries for various Commodore 8-bit computers, so here's your chance to improve on that.


This year the challenge is to draw a star with eight points. Suitable programming languages are BASIC, machine code or whatever is available on your computer. The shorter implementation (measured in bytes), the better. Note that you're not supposed to spill the beans about your implementation, not even how many bytes you're down to.




Logiker will be making a submission form on the website, but it isn't quite yet there. In the mean time, I already made three entirely different implementations in C64 BASIC (without getting into details how or at what sizes).

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Well, now that I blew 3 hours messing around with this, I've got somewhat tight Atari BASIC version but can't say how small it is, of course.  I decided to quickly port the sample code just to compare my program.  The port of the sample code takes 390 bytes.  I found the number by finding the difference in the free memory before and after loading the program.




? FRE(0)



? FRE(0)


? 32274-31884




So, if anyone wants to give it a try, they need to get under 390 bytes.   😁


20 PRINT "    *       *"
30 PRINT "    **     **"
40 PRINT "    ***   ***"
50 PRINT "    **** ****"
60 PRINT "*****************"
70 PRINT " ***************"
80 PRINT "  *************"
90 PRINT "   ***********"
100 PRINT "    *********"
110 PRINT "   ***********"
120 PRINT "  *************"
130 PRINT " ***************"
140 PRINT "*****************"
150 PRINT "    **** ****"
160 PRINT "    ***   ***"
170 PRINT "    **     **"
180 PRINT "    *       *"



EDIT:  After a little more experimenting, I don't think relying on BASIC to provide the free memory is an accurate way to determine the size of the program.  Anybody have any ideas?



Edited by reifsnyderb
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@reifsnyderb try this


In BASIC, this will give you the byte count of any file:-


100 Open #1,4,0,"D:RAMTEST.BAS"
110 A=0
130 Get #1,B
140 A=A+1
150 Goto 130
160 Trap 40000
170 Close #1
180 Print "FILE LENGTH IS ";A;" BYTES"
190 End



Edited by TGB1718
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If you want to make your program look smaller, "LIST" it and run the length program again.

My "STAR" program is coming in at 409 bytes on disk

the listed version is 330 bytes on disk

and the program when in memory and has run is 216 bytes


I don't know anything about the C64, maybe it's easier to tell what the program size is, personally I think

for the A8 we should use FRE(0) with no program in memory, load the program, run it and do FRE(0) again

and subtract second number from first


@carlsson can you decide what method we should use ?

( I had a SAAB model with your name on the badge :) )



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Rev B Atari Basic adds 16 bytes padding to the end of the program (a bug fixed in Rev C / doesn't exist in Rev A) - and that is cumulative - e.g. do a 1-line program then just repeatedly save then load it and it'll grow each time.


Any version can get unwanted bloat due to unused variable names etc. which can be fixed by LIST/ENTER.

Counting program size for Basic can be a bit unfair - C64 can have an advantage in that numeric constants are just the characters where Atari has the 6 byte FP number.

Then again, C64 stores stuff like spaces between some statements and parameters.

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20 minutes ago, Rybags said:

Rev B Atari Basic adds 16 bytes padding to the end of the program (a bug fixed in Rev C / doesn't exist in Rev A) - and that is cumulative - e.g. do a 1-line program then just repeatedly save then load it and it'll grow each time.


Any version can get unwanted bloat due to unused variable names etc. which can be fixed by LIST/ENTER.

Counting program size for Basic can be a bit unfair - C64 can have an advantage in that numeric constants are just the characters where Atari has the 6 byte FP number.

Then again, C64 stores stuff like spaces between some statements and parameters.

Ok.  Great tip on using list/enter to load and save the program.  I am quite pleased now.    🙂


I just couldn't believe that my program was 443 bytes, as compact as it is, while the ported sample program is 424 bytes as saved.


The ported sample program, when listed to disk, is now 468 bytes on disk.

Edited by reifsnyderb
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In most cases SAVE will be a smaller file but sometimes LIST can be.


I wonder how they'd treat a bootable disk - really it should be the 6 byte header + size of the program not rounded to next sector.  And also not including ATR overheads.

I guess though you could have it as a raw XFD image (only suggesting this disk image stuff since a binary file has extra bloat - 2 x leading FF plus 6 bytes extra to supply a RUN address.

Edited by Rybags
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A C64 PRG is 2 bytes load address and then the tokenized program, possibly including up to three zero bytes at the end. I believe the FRE(0) method without variables assigned is just as good. How would you measure machine code, by effective bytes or file format length on disk?

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58 minutes ago, carlsson said:

A C64 PRG is 2 bytes load address and then the tokenized program, possibly including up to three zero bytes at the end. I believe the FRE(0) method without variables assigned is just as good. How would you measure machine code, by effective bytes or file format length on disk?

So, to confirm, either size on disk or size in memory both are good?

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DL tricks could reduce the program size though whether that would result in the shortest overall program?


My thoughts on how to do it - use the CIO PUT Characters vector to do the output.

The star is 17 characters wide, symetrical.  Whether to print the middle character is merely dependent on a range of Y positions.

The remaining 16 characters could be read as a bitmap.  Only need to store the left top part since its' symetrical.

Bit-shift then output space or * depending on result.

I do suspect that not resorting to DL tricks would produce the shortest program.  If the bitmap is only costing a single byte per line with a comparison in the middle of the loop to determine if we output the middle character, it will be way cheaper than a custom DLI with a bunch of LMS to duplicate/invert the top half.

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12 minutes ago, Rybags said:

DL tricks could reduce the program size though whether that would result in the shortest overall program?


My thoughts on how to do it - use the CIO PUT Characters vector to do the output.

The star is 17 characters wide, symetrical.  Whether to print the middle character is merely dependent on a range of Y positions.

The remaining 16 characters could be read as a bitmap.  Only need to store the left top part since its' symetrical.

Bit-shift then output space or * depending on result.

I do suspect that not resorting to DL tricks would produce the shortest program.  If the bitmap is only costing a single byte per line with a comparison in the middle of the loop to determine if we output the middle character, it will be way cheaper than a custom DLI with a bunch of LMS to duplicate/invert the top half.

I was thinking about using a bitmap.  While I didn't try it, my belief is that using a bitmap would result in a larger program due to the code required to process the bitmap.


So far, I've done this using 2 different strategies.  The second strategy is 39 bytes smaller on disk.  I decided to optimize for disk size, though, as the rules say to make the program file as small as possible.


It would be nice to have single byte variables, though.  Three bytes to store small integers is overkill.  Admittedly, that was probably a compromise solution to stuff BASIC into 8k.

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22 hours ago, carlsson said:

How would you measure machine code, by effective bytes or file format length on disk?

I think it should be the size on disk minus the 6 byte header.


For BASIC just the size on disk would be reasonable with the program LISTED

SAVING also stores garbage like previously used variables that's why its always good to LIST to disk, NEW, ENTER, then SAVE to get rid of the garbage.

1 hour ago, reifsnyderb said:

Not bad.  Is the program listed or saved to disk?

LISTED to disk (now down to 210 Bytes :) )


Interestingly, this latest version although smaller on disk when LISTED

is 290 Bytes when SAVED

and 288 Bytes when FRE(0) is used, very close the the SAVED version



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