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Best Graphics


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(and here's no 2000....)


I still think 2600 Solaris has the most impressive graphics, great 3d effects, 3d spherical planet 3d scrolling, awesome huge multicolored planets in space, all the enemies are hued and gradieneted. Solaris looks like no other 2600 game I've ever seen, and to this day challeneges what I think about when I think of what a 2600 can do graphically.

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Solaris is definitley up there for best graphics. But there's GOT to be other contenders out there!


What about BMX Airmaster? Or how about Skateboardin'? Commando? Radar Lock? Xenophobe? Off The Wall? Tapper? Crossbow? Crystal Castles? Escape from the Mindmaster? Ikari Warriors? Jungle Hunt? Pete Rose Baseball? Road Runner? Smurf Rescue? Surf's Up? Track & Field? Tunnel Runner?


There are a lot of 2600 games with great graphics!

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I also add my vote for "Solaris". It's a great game all around. One of the best 2600 titles out there.


Now there are other 2600 games that have good graphics, but lest we forget, "Great eye candy doth not a great game make."


Fortunately, "Solaris" still gets the vote as one of my top 2600 games because it delivers the goods on all fronts... not just graphics. :D


Though I have to admit, Gregory DG, "Jungle Hunt," "Crystal Castles," and "Crossbow" rank up there too. :thumbsup:

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Hi there!


What about BMX Airmaster? Or how about Skateboardin'? Commando? Radar Lock? Xenophobe? Off The Wall? Tapper? Crossbow? Crystal Castles? Escape from the Mindmaster? Ikari Warriors? Jungle Hunt? Pete Rose Baseball? Road Runner? Smurf Rescue? Surf's Up? Track & Field? Tunnel Runner?


Nope. Solaris.




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I'm just curious, since I don't own a 2600 myself, as to what game in your opinion(s) have the most impressive graphics and why?


I think that "and why" is the key here. Seems like a lot of people are just jumping in and saying Solaris without giving consideration to any other game.


That is why I jumped in with my sarcastic response. ;)


There are quite a few games for the 2600 that have really good graphics:



Ikari Warriors

Kung Fu Master

Xenophobe (Which is incredible to play, not just nice to look at)

Tomcat F14

Pete Rose Baseball

Secret Quest


Basically the later releases by Atari, Activision or Absolute Entertainment which is also basically Activision will have better than average graphics.

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Hi there!


There are quite a few games for the 2600 that have really good graphics:



Ikari Warriors

Kung Fu Master

Xenophobe (Which is incredible to play, not just nice to look at)

Tomcat F14

Pete Rose Baseball

Secret Quest


Well, they're all games with good graphics, but seriously, none of these comes close to Solaris. They all look like 2600 games. Solaris doesn't.




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Best graphics and my experience with Solaris:


Although a game with good graphics is impressive, I care more about gameplay and replayability, but I do love a game that also has great graphics on top of everything else. By the time Solaris came out, I think I already moved on to the Commodore 64 and the NES, but back when 2600 games were more important, I was impressed with the graphics of a few Activision games, Atari's E.T., and Imagic games such as Moonsweeper, Laser Gates, and Subterranea. I couldn't pick just one as the best.


We eventually bought Solaris at Big Lots in the early 1990s, along with a handful of other games, and I thought Solaris looked like Atari's Star Raiders and Imagic's Moonsweeper smashed together, so I wasn't as impressed with it as I would have been if the game would have come out back in 1983. I'd rather forget about Solaris and play a game of Activision's Starmaster then play a game of Imagic's Moonsweeper.


I'd like to see a thread where people vote on the game with the best graphics for each year. That might be fun. You'd have to make sure you had a correct list of games for each year though, since you can't trust the date on the cartridge.

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At the risk of seeming like a bandwagon jumper, I have to cast another vote for Solaris. I think that it is arguably the best game created for the 2600, and certainly has the most impressive graphics. (The argument for best overall game is between it and H.E.R.O.)


Unlike cavelevel, I actually DID experience Solaris as a kid.


It was a mixed blessing that I never got an NES when all of my friends did in junior high. I was stuck with my 2600. But that led me to Solaris.


I spent countless hours from 1987-1989 or so playing this marvelous game, and I actually managed to convince myself that I wasn't missing out on THAT much by not having an NES. In retrospect, I still stand by that feeling. The game really IS that good.


Sure... it's a similar concept to Star Raiders. But where Star Raiders faltered and was just a boring, overly-complicated dust gatherer, Solaris was exciting and engaging and never left the cartridge slot of my console for a 2 year period, except for brief battles against the dreaded Qotile! :D

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I'd like to see a thread where people vote on the game with the best graphics for each year. That might be fun. You'd have to make sure you had a correct list of games for each year though, since you can't trust the date on the cartridge.


For it's time Superman was graphically innovative... I believe it was one of the first games to use multi-colored sprites and many of the sprites had multiple "frames" of animation.


A vote for best graphics for each ROM size would be interesting too. It would sort of level the playing field. Demon Attack had some of the best graphics for a 4k game.

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