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Graphic Programming Contest - $500 CASH in prizes!!


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I thought it would be fun to have a graphic programming contest.

Here is the kind of graphic I am looking for:




It can be ANY subject matter. It can be animated if you like! It has load

on an 800/XL/XE computer. You can send me an ".atr" file or a ".bin"

file (cartridge). You can even program the graphic to load in basic

if you like!! So there is NO excuse for not entering!! The maximum file

size can be 16K.


First prize is $300 CASH, second prize is $150 CASH and third prize is

$50 CASH.


ALL entries become the property of Sunmark. Entries can

be submitted until 12:01 AM EST October 20, 2003. We will select a

group from those entries and post them on AtariAge for everyone to vote

on. The winners will be announced on November 1, 2003.


Try to be as creative as you can!! Email entries to:




Post any questions to this thread and I will answer them here.



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ALL entries become the property of Sunmark.


Not keen on this bit... =-)


Entries can

be submitted until 12:01 AM EST October 20, 2003.


...or this bit come to think of it - already got three projects on the go for release at Chrimble and no real time left... Sorry.

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Here is my first submission to the compatition..

its an into screen of a Graphic Adventure i am working on..


Graphic Adventures are my favurite game on the ATARI 8bit.. and i spend most of my childhood playing them :)


The intro screen, as well as the graphics of the Adventure all drawn on the ATARI using Koala Paint and later on XLART. the picture is in ATARI Koala (.pic) format..


it uses only 4 colors. not as fancy as MCS, i can add more colors to it if needed.. but the adventure i started to suppose to be one of those 80th adventures compatible..


I only wished the ATARI had a better utility to make a better title logo..


The status of the "Persian Night" project, is that i have a 90% complete Engine, and about 20 screens (that still need some touch-up work to be done).. stroy line & man is all in my head :D



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If you're planning to use that in a game, remember that entries become the property of Sunmark.


What if I draw title screen for existing game (just alternate version) e.g. for "MAHNA MALYSZ"?? That small game was just published as freeware ?


And how many entries are allowed per one person ? ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey there!


What about this competition ???

Was it cancelled or was it a joke, anyway :?:


I didn't take part in it due to some other problems in "real life", but

it is strange, there is no messages on it any longer... :roll:

Even my previous post is left without answer... :x

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