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I just bought a 65XE.... now what??


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I am attempting to expand my collection. I have a few questions for the experienced 8-bit computer whiz - if anyone could be of any assistance please:


-What games (cartridge or whatever else from the line of 8-bit games) are compatible w/ 65XE?

-Does anyone have any recommendations for good games to get?

-Did I pick the right system to play 8-bit games on or is there something better?


Thanks a million.

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Well if your 65xe is the stock one with 16k built in, well then you should be able to play pretty much any cartridge but you will be pretty much limited to those.


Everything else (disk based games, etc) is hit or miss. Alot need more than 16k.


You can find out how much ram you have by typing "Print Fre(0)".


If it says 32768 (or thereabouts) you have a 64k system.


Not the best system to have for gaming, but it is a start.

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But....isn't there 64kb RAM in the 65XE? I thought it was only a stripped down 130XE?


IF This is the case you should be able to run pretty much all software for the 400/800/600XL/800XL/65XE/130XE with a few exceptions.


Am I wrong?




memory by default:


600XL = 16Kb

800XL = 64Kb

65XE and 800XE = 64Kb

130XE = 128Kb


The 65XE is the same as the 130XE only doesn't have the second bank extra ram and a logic chip is missing.


The 65XE will run all XL games from 16Kb to 64Kb and all XEGS games.

Only a few disk games and lot's of demo's require more then 64Kb of memory.


For running games from the 400/800 series you must sometimes load the translator disk which allows you to run these programs on your 65XE.



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I have been reading about the SIO2PC cable and I am thinking that I would like to access games from my PC. I still need to find a drive for this beast. Considering I am totally new to this, I know that getting a Owner's Manual is a big first on my list of things to get. Could anyone recommend a suitable disk drive for this system?

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I have been reading about the SIO2PC cable and I am thinking that I would like to access games from my PC. I still need to find a drive for this beast. Considering I am totally new to this, I know that getting a Owner's Manual is a big first on my list of things to get. Could anyone recommend a suitable disk drive for this system?


Try to get an:


1050 ( modified to double density)

Indus GT


XF551 is also possible but are slow.


Look on ebay and search for 'atari drive' and you will find some I think.



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So far.. I am not having much luck getting my hands on any 8 bit carts or disk games. Afew commons through trades and that is about it. People really seem to want to hold onto their 8 bit stuff for some reason. Not only that, but thrift and flea market hunting gets me nowhere with this particular type of computer. Is this stuff any more rare than say Atari 2600 or NES?? Even ebay kind of stinks for finding games for the 8 bit line. A nice little collection of say 20 or 30 games is all I am looking for. I think one of those multi carts may be what I am going to have to do if I can't score anything. SIO2PC looks like a good option too.

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Remember that you are in a relatively small city, and that you will find it difficult to acquire Atari items. This is my personal popularity ranking for Atari systems in Canada (least popular at bottom):


The ST line





Portfolio / Atari PCs




For example, in Calgary, which has about a million people, I run across 8-bit items "in the wild" approximately once every two weeks. I see ST equipment for sale, conversely, every time I look in the local papers.


You'd have much better luck if you scoured the flea markets / thrift stores in Montreal.


If you just want a collection of good games, I highly recommend both the "5200 Multi Cart blast" and the "Synapse Multi-Cart"

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Considering Montreal is 5 hours away, I will likely never go there. Ottawa and Toronto are closer and I go there when I can. There is tonnes of stuff where I am - it just sits in people's closets and basements and probably gets chucked away more regularly - and sometimes I find what I want. There really is no official classic gaming outlet around these parts. There doesn't seem to be much of an appreciation for "Classic Gaming" around here either. I just plain out never see 8 bit stuff here at all. People laugh when I ask for Atari or Commodore 64. It's kind of hillarious actually. I suspect that maybe a few years ago it would have been easier to find 8 bit stuff but not now. Just Nintendo and the occasional Atari 2600 item.


BTW - Anyone here with 8 bit duplicates they want to unload are free to PM me (please.. I am almost begging at this point).

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Sorry...I thought you were relatively close to the Quebec border.


It would probably be easiest just to post a "want" list in the "Marketplace" section. Remember that 80% or so of commercial 8-bit releases were on disk and / or cassette, and 8-bit carts are just that much more rare (and valuable). They're certainly more valuable than loose disk games, and people will expect to get a good deal in return. If you do want something on disk or cassette, just let me know. :wink:

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