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Are you looking to go cheap or just looking for a 7800?


Check out 4jays @




They have complete systems for under $100 USD.


ATARI 7800 SYSTEM- includes one joystick, paddles, RF adapter*, RF cord and

power supply, plus game cart - Pole Position II..........................................$74.95

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I kinda have mixed feelings on the 7800 myself. I happened to luck out and get one from a family member. When it originally came out I was too pre-occupied with my atari 8-bit and amiga systems.


It's kinda neat to think about all the potential titles that could have came out if the 7800 had not been tied up for so long. Alot of the arcade translations are good looking enough, but either kill you with lousy sound (donkey kong games), or imperfect conversion (ms pacman, asteroids, etc).


I felt alot of the atari 8-bit titles although not looking as good, just "felt" better.


Regardless... I've been getting alot of mileage out of it


ms. pacman - good, but the difficulty ramps in such a way that it doesn't make one "yearn" for more.


asteroids - gets really hectic when there are alot of asteroids on screen. just wish they would have worked more on the flying saucer and background thump thump.


joust - great translation and alot of fun, but the pterydactl level is insane (kinda ruining the run). Bird control is a little off, but manageable.


Dig dug - I used to play this to death way long time ago (when I had access to it), but I'd have to play it again to have a more "modern" take on it.


there are others, but I've been taking my good sweet time trying to enjoy each title individually. I play them alot to see just how far I can get with practice before moving onto the next one.

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Just my opinion but Food Fight has to be the best 7800 game. My reason: the difficulty ramp is incredible; it increases at such a rate that even a young, young, youngster can get a great score and feel good about the game.


And the game is just plain downright fun.



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Just my opinion but Food Fight has to be the best 7800 game. My reason: the difficulty ramp is incredible; it increases at such a rate that even a young, young, youngster can get a great score and feel good about the game.


And the game is just plain downright fun.




I agree, Food Fight is a great game.

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Yeah thanks guys,  I think it was pretty good.  Plus I bought a bunch of other games too!  I can't wait.  I've never owned a 7800 but always wanted one....


I know the feeling. When I first got my 7800 in a trade, I was ecstatic.


I'm just glad to have one now. I don't really have any favorites on the 7800 but I do own Commando and Double Dragon. I like both games.

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