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Omniview XL & Data Perfect on 1200XL


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I installed the Omniview XL and 600/800XL OS's in my 1200XL.




In this photo you can see I am in Omniview OS




I then load Data Perfect ATR holding ESC to bring up the video memo to change to BIT-3 video for 80 Columns (tried fujinet and SIO2PC)




I choose number 2 for BIT-3 then I get the disk screen




choose source drive as 1 and destination as 1 then density as single then choose 0 for update 


Then I get this screen. It should be in 80 columns and should be prompting for the date




Can anyone help me get data perfect and letter perfect working in 80 column mode?







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Since you don't have a bit 3 or austin franklin video card you are not going to get 80 columns in that way, someone might be able to fashion and XEP80 or VBXE driver and hook for it data perfect. Not sure omniview or dt80 will get the job done, thought they might if someone folded that into DP

Edited by _The Doctor__
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No just use the Dataperfect disk, make sure you have the omniview xl/or xe rom, and then use the sector editor listing on page 7-9 or so of the manual... make those patches and then you should be good to go. I'd have bet it's already been done and could be found but maybe such sites are gone that had it already rolled and ready to go... I do remember a ready to go disk and someone with a patcher proggy, might have even been in basic..




go single page and zoom in or print out, then get to work ;)


omniview XE has a better font.

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1 hour ago, videofx said:

I figured it out. I found me the correct version of data perfect, manually patched it and booted it on my fujinet.

Here it is in 80 column glory!

Here is Data Perfect Patched for 80 Col for Omniview in case anyone else would like it

Data Perfect 80Col.atr 90.02 kB · 3 downloads

Thank you!  Very nice to see Omniview's 80 column capabilities used.  Great Operating System (Omniview).   Also works great in Atari Basic, Turbo Basic and Editor Assembler.  

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I was playing with this under emulation some time back and recall one of the emulators (Atari800 I think) has Bit-3 support (and the ROMs are online).


I had Data Perfect in 80 columns working, and it was nice and readable, but I failed to get any of the other LJK programs working. This may be due to version issues, since I think there were a lot of releases of this software.


The LJK suite was excellent and I used to use Spell Perfect heavily back in the day.

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Here you go!


I now have Letter Perfect also working in Omniview 80 Column mode!


Here I am using it with S-Video






Anyone have the patch for Spell Perfect? I cant find it :( I would like to have the trifecta :)


And of course Here is my version of Letter Perfect



Letter Perfect Omniview 80Col.atr





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