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Rescure on Fractalus Quote...


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from the designers


"We decided to shoot for a consistent three-dimensional environment," he concludes. "We wanted one general dalgorithm that creates an image in any direction." Their research produced an application of fractile geometry that was fast enough to use in the game. Fortunately, suggests Fox and Carpenter, they were working on Atari hardware. "A slower machine would have been impossible," Carpenter admits.

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google rocks: directly from the programmer of rescue on fractalus:


The following is a transcript of a letter from Loren Carpenter dated

April 18, 1989. It details the use of fractals for real-time graphics

rendering. I thought it might prove interesting to those who are also

working on their own implementations of these algorithms. I have Loren

Carpenter's acknowledgement of this posting.



Relative to the fractal game algorithms...


Neither I nor anyone at Lucasfilm ever published anything, as far as I can

remember. I did the one for Rescue and the folks at LFL adapted it for

Eidolon and Koronis later. Ballblazer doesn't use any fractal code.


The algorithm is the simplest possible midpoint subdivision, subject to

the constraint that the landscape be consistent from frame to frame.

The random displacement is derived from 2 bits (sign & overflow) of the

8-bit sum of the tags on the ends of an edge.


if overflow then

displacement = 0 /* bisect the line */


if negative

displacement = -edge_length/4


displacement = edge_length/4


The landscape is a 16x16 mesh of edges, repeating forever over the plane.


There is a lot more detail, especially about perspective, but I'm not sure

LFL wants me talking about it yet.


Loren Carpenter


Post Scriptum: For an in-depth treatment of fractals for graphics rendering,

see Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, Volume 25,

Number 6, pages 371-84.


The "...constraint that the landscape be consistent

from frame to frame..." may refer to the idea of pixel replication as seen

in games like Afterburner and Outrun. Note that as an object gets larger,

it also gets blockier. Fractal code can appear to create detail very

efficiently, making the object appear more complex than is otherwise possible.

This can also be seen in the player vehicles in Ballblazer.


Regarding perspective, two main techniques have been used in the past that I

have noted. One is to use different shades of grey for mountains of

different distance, and gradually change colours as the player moves closer

or farther away. The other is most noticeable in Rescue on Fractalus,

where there is a mesh that converges in the distance on a vanishing point.


$anjay "lock-on" $ingh



"A modern-day warrior, mean mean stride, today's Tom Sawyer, mean mean pride."


$anjay "lock-on" $ingh



"A modern-day warrior, mean mean stride, today's Tom Sawyer, mean mean pride."

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my last post on this topic...

(if someone has a real description of the RoF algorithms...that would be great...)


here is the website of the main guy behind RoF David Fox:

http://www.eeggplnt.com/more_info.html http://www.qlam.com/atari/s_rescue.html


there is nothing what you can not find on the net... "welcome to the real world... do you want the blue or the red pill?" ;=)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've never seen this published anywhere, so maybe it's an AtariAge exclusive:


The authors of Rescue on Fractalus hid credits in the game. Well, not hidden really, they pop up right in front of you!


Speaking of popping up, here's our friend.




Sometimes he jumps *really* high and gives you a good look.




His (her?) suit markings look like alien gibberish...unless you know the developers' names. Now, look sideways!




There you have it: the initials of Loren Carpenter, David Fox, Charlie Kellner and Peter Langston.


I can't take credit for noticing this, though. I interviewed Peter Langston a long time ago, and he told me where to look.


-El D.


[ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: El Destructo ]

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I always thought that said something like 'Cafe Java' or something, at least it you look at it the normal way it looks like the bottom word is Java, I figured the top one just used letters that you couldn't quite make out in the resolution...I figured the aliens (and programmers) were big coffee freaks like me and Cafe Man...by the way Cafe man, antother reletively good, cheap, canned coffee like chock full o' nuts is YUBAN. but yeah, Starbucks still rules with Seattle's Best coming in a close second. A trick I use, from working at a coffe house once, is to regrind the ground coffe in cans finer to bring out the robust flavor. If you notice, Starbucks and other top brands are finely ground.

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Sorry about my Brother...


You have to realize this takes place several years back. That war was sure nasty. BTW...for the record...the Jaggies didn't like Fractalus anymore than you Humans did. It didn't melt away our skin or anything...but it sure had that thick air effect. You know...I believe you guys would compare it to a really smoky bar?


Anyway, at least in the end...we all learned how to get along...hehe...right?....uh...hmm...

Umm..Tempest...why are you moving your finger towards the #3 key on that 5200 controller?...uh..Temp....Matt....


Dude? ....




................... ...............



BTW: El Destructo...your welcome for the Screenshot...hehe



[ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: -^Cro§Bow^- ]

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That is SOOO cool to watch that animation!!! Very cool of you El Destructo!!! I never really had time to see the full range of animations that green dude could do because I was always too worried about punching the old sheilds button on my XE keyboard so he wouldn't crack my windshield and make me suck poison gasious atmosphere...game over...

I have just sat there before and let it happen, but you still don't get time to let the animation sink in and see how cool it was before the game ends...Thanks!

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By the way, that's what I look like if I don't get my morning cup of JAVA! I also make that 'ah-woooOOO' sound too...


Of course the same thing happens if I've drunk to much too...


[ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: Gunstar ]

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  • 12 years later...

my last post on this topic...

(if someone has a real description of the RoF algorithms...that would be great...)


here is the website of the main guy behind RoF David Fox:

http://www.eeggplnt.com/more_info.html http://www.qlam.com/atari/s_rescue.html


there is nothing what you can not find on the net... "welcome to the real world... do you want the blue or the red pill?" ;=)


Necrobump of necrobumps, but you seem to have made some progress, all of these years later. :)



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Hmm, are the green party players? Or is this just awesome game detail design reusing the sky color because in the landing mode, you never see the sky?

... one day why I see this guy again, I'll check that.

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Hmm, are the green party players? Or is this just awesome game detail design reusing the sky color because in the landing mode, you never see the sky?

... one day why I see this guy again, I'll check that.


Jac... as far as I remember, no... games uses 4 colors... green is one of them... (shoots of basis are green, too).


you have dark brown, light brown, most light brown and green. and one colors changes so I think you could be right that one color will be changed when Jaggie appears as the sky is pink.

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