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AtariProtos.com 2600 Update


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Locomotion.gifMatt Reichert of AtariProtos.com has updated his site with several new and updated Atari 2600 prototype reviews: Bionic Breakthrough (Update), Desert Falcon, Fatal Run, Loco-Motion, Road Runner, RS Soccer (Update), Sentinel, Spy Hunter, Super Baseball, and Tapper. Please drop by AtariProtos.com to read Matt's informative reviews, which are always accompanied by a variety of screenshots taken from each game.
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How about adding Matt's protos (and final!) in depth reviews to the Atari 2600 Reviews section?


Each page on Matt's site is already linked from the appropriate entry in our database, but not as a review. I don't feel it's appropriate to include these links are "Reviews", since most of the time Matt is describing a version of the game that differs from the one that eventually shipped.



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Each page on Matt's site is already linked from the appropriate entry in our database, but not as a review.

Thanks, I didn't notice that.


I don't feel it's appropriate to include these links are "Reviews", since most of the time Matt is describing a version of the game that differs from the one that eventually shipped.

Yes, when the version differes it makes no sense.


But then he is also reviewing final versions (e.g. Fatal Run) or protos where only one version exists and which are already in your review database (e.g. Xevious).

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I don't feel it's appropriate to include these links are "Reviews", since most of the time Matt is describing a version of the game that differs from the one that eventually shipped.  


Actually, I always review the final version (or the last version completed) of the game on the main page and then review the various versions on the sub-pages.



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Hey Tempest! Your site is awesome man....but I have to ask, where do you get all these prototype carts and chips? Do you have them all sitting in a box and you review them when you have the time, or do you actively search for them or buy from ebay or somewhere else????


Thanks for the compliment. It's feedback like this that makes my site worth doing. I'm glad you like it.


My prototypes come from a variety of sources. Some of them I own (usually the ones that have nice clear scans), while others were supplied to me by friends. I got most of my protos through ex-Atari programemrs or collectors, but a few came from e-bay.


Usually I review the protos as I get them (which explains the large gaps between updates). However it's funny you should mention a box, as I have a large box of 7800 prototypes sitting right here that I need to get to. Expect the 7800 update in a month or so.



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 However it's funny you should mention a box, as I have a large box of 7800 prototypes sitting right here that I need to get to.  Expect the 7800 update in a month or so.



Even funnier, I just bought (my first) 7800 system yesterday via ebay!

So....GET MOVIN' on those 7800 proto reviews!!!! ;)

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The updates are great (as always) :thumbsup:


I won the Spy Hunter, Up and Down and Star Trek from some auctions a week or so ago. I cracked open the Spy Hunter and it has the same board (as Tapper). The number on the sticker is different but that is the only difference. I also compared my ST and it has a white label vs the blue one on you site. The cool thing is that it has the blue label underneath, but it is side/long-ways. The case is also a Sega case while the other two are 'Activision' cases.




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I always get a kick out of visiting Atariprotos.com.




It's very interesting to see protos of games that were never released.


There's still hope for some of them. I don't see why some of the concepts couldn't come to fruition one day. I'm thinking of Unknown Activision Proto 2 but eh well.



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There's still hope for some of them. I don't see why some of the concepts couldn't come to fruition one day. I'm thinking of Unknown Activision Proto 2 but eh well.


Yeah UAP2 is pretty cool, but it still needs alot of polishing. I can't believe it got this far along and wasn't assigned a name. Someone somewhere must know what it is. Unfortunately the sound effects in the game grate on your nerves, it's best played with the volume DOWN!


Just a reminder that UAP2 will be released in the upcoming Anthology Remix.


Actually the one that I wish everyone could play is Locomotion. I can't believe how well it turned out. Oh well, maybe someday...





Oh and thanks to everyone for their kind words. I really appreciate it. Expect the 7800 update in a month or so (once I figure out MESS).

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Actually the one that I wish everyone could play is Locomotion.  I can't believe how well it turned out.  Oh well, maybe someday...

Yup, let's hope one not too far away day, all "hidden" protos will be made available for all fans. My personal preference would be Anteater (after fixing the little display bug).

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Yup, let's hope one not too far away day, all "hidden" protos will be made available for all fans.


Well it's not that they're "hidden", it's just that there's copyright issues. Not only do you have to get permission from the company who programmed it, but you also have to get permission from the company who owns the rights to the original game (in the case of Locomotion that would be Konami). Odds are that both companies aren't going to give you a thumbs up. I suppose you could just put the rom out there and hope you don't get sued, but there's always some bitter person out there who would turn you in. This is why so many games are unreleased.



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You could always post the ROM anonym, couldn't you? ;)


I hate to be the harbinger of bad news but..


1. His name is already out there as having seen it and played it so if it appeared on the net the copyright owners would automatically suspect him.

2. As impossible as it is to actually secure the rights, AtariAge has managed it a few times (see Rubik's Cube) so it's at least worth a TRY to do it on the up and up.

3. Unfortunately many companies won't give up rights unless they get a cut or compensation, and they (may) see the 2600 market as so small as to not be worth it at all.

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1. His name is already out there as having seen it and played it so if it appeared on the net the copyright owners would automatically suspect him.

Sure, but they couldn't prove anything, could they? :)


So why don't you just release all the Ebivision games, including Pac-Man then ? :|

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I the holders of those ROMs really wanted them available they could let them slip. They could be passed from person to person and make it impossible to trace the responsible party.


Many ROMs have been released without permission of the copyright holders with no troubles, certainly none as long as new carts aren't being produced. I suspect that the owners are waiting to do just that, make a big score on a cartrige release five years down the road when we're all starving for new 2600 material.


Now that so many 2600 protos have been made available, the few missing games can only rise in value.

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So why don't you just release all the Ebivision games, including Pac-Man then ?  :|

1. because I don't have them except Merlin's Walls, which is already floating around (no that wasn't me :))

2. because I respect the wishes of homebrewers

3. I never would release a binary where the owner doesn't want it


But if I understoood you correct, you where talking about old protos where the owners would like to release them but are afraid of doing so due tocopyright problems, right?

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