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AtariProtos.com 2600 Update


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Just so everyone knows, I only possess five roms that have not been made public:


1. Locomotion

2. Unknown Activision Prototype 1

3. Unknown Activision Prototype 2

4. "Bloody Human" Freeway

5. Venetian Blinds Demo


Everything else I have has been released (such as Mind Maze). I cannot release these five roms because the people who gave them to me asked me not to and I will abide by those wishes. I'm not doing it to horde roms or to be selfish. I really wish I could "anonymously" release these roms, but I cannot. I was given these roms so I could research them and post my findings for all to see. I don't own any of those prototypes either!


I'm not trying to taunt anyone with my webpage, and if anyone feels that way I'm sorry. I'm in a unique position where people feel that they can trust me to research their prototypes and that I wont distribute the rom without their permission. If I were to violate that trust no one would ever trust me with their prototypes again.


I really hope everyone can understand where I'm coming from on this issue.



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Just so everyone knows, I only possess five roms that have not been made public:


1. Locomotion

2. Unknown Activision Prototype 1

3. Unknown Activision Prototype 2

4. "Bloody Human" Freeway

5. Venetian Blinds Demo


Everything else I have has been released (such as Mind Maze).  I cannot release these five roms because the people who gave them to me asked me not to and I will abide by those wishes.  I'm not doing to horde roms or to be selfish.  I really wish I could "anonymously" release these roms, but I cannot.  I was given these roms so I could research them and post my findings for all to see.  I don't own any of those prototypes either!


I'm not trying to taunt anyone with my webpage, and if anyone feels that way I'm sorry.  I'm in a unique position where people feel that they can trust me to research their prototypes and that I wont distribute the rom without their permission.  If I were to violate that trust no one would ever trust me with their prototypes again.  


I really hope everyone can understand where I'm coming from on this issue.  




I think it is excellent and is a testament to your character that you would honor the wishes of these individuals.


Your site is top notch and whether or not any of the mentioned games are ever made public, I am glad someone cares enough to archive the information which must be a real headache at times :thumbsup:


There will always be a few who for whatever reason do not understand why these games are not available, but don't let the actions, objections and complaints of a select few outweigh the appreciation of the majority. :D





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No one ever blamed Tempest for keeping ROMs or accused him of anything other than doing great work. Where are people getting this idea? There is bitterness about some of the proper owners and questions about their motivations, but Tempest is doing everhtting exactly as it should be done. He needs the trust of these proto owners. It is better to be teased by screenshots and descriptions of an unavailable game than it would be to have no avaialable documentation of the game whatsoever.


Again, looking back over this thread you won't see a single person criticizing Tempest. Don't make up drama when there is none.

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Come on Tom - I'm sure you can at least drop a hint or two?  Not much harm in knowing something exists, is there?  


Waddaya say?? :)

Nope, the owners are here on the AtariAge forums and I am quite sure they are watching this thread. So, they can decide, I won't.


Sorry, my lips are sealed.



Maybe Bushie knows? :ponder:

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No one ever blamed Tempest for keeping ROMs or accused him of anything other than doing great work.  Where are people getting this idea?  There is bitterness about some of the proper owners and questions about their motivations, but Tempest is doing everhtting exactly as it should be done.  He needs the trust of these proto owners.  It is better to be teased by screenshots and descriptions of an unavailable game than it would be to have no avaialable documentation of the game whatsoever.


Again, looking back over this thread you won't see a single person criticizing Tempest.  Don't make up drama when there is none.


Who is making up drama then? If you were referring to my post, it was aimed at CPU in particular (as always with a pun undertone) but even more at everyone in general.


I absolutely respect Tempest's integrity. As I stated, I'm not interested in finding out who has something. I just thought it would be nice if we could have a list that shows what is confirmed to be out there.


Are Tempest, Thomas and CPU the only ones with knowledge about hidden treasures? The list is still rather small, so it seems. There must be more - make us drool! :)




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I just thought it would be nice if we could have a list that shows what is confirmed to be out there.  


Well off the top of my head, I know that these prototypes are out there in at least one collectors hands:


Atari XL/XE


Mean 18

Midi Maze


Da Fuzz



Atari 5200



Jungle River Cruise (unconfirmed)


Atari 7800


GATO (demo)

Sky Fox (demo)



Missing in Action


Atari 2600


Look Ahead


Good Luck Charlie Brown

Pink Panther

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (alternate version)


and all the M-Network protos



Anyone know of others I missed?



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Tempest wrote:  

Atari 2600  


Look Ahead  




Never heard of those, can you describe them?


Look Ahead is by Mark Klein (who did Pick Up). I talked to him about it briefly at CGE 2K2 and he told me it was a puzzle game of sorts where you had to add numbers on squares and such. I really can't remember too much more about it.


Underworld is some kind of D&D game by Commavid. I don't think there's an actual prototype of this, but I think there's a "Tape" of it from when Commavid was developing it (on an Apple IIe I believe).



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Atari 2600


Look Ahead


Good Luck Charlie Brown

Pink Panther

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (alternate version)


and all the M-Network protos


Cool! :cool:


So which M-Network titles are there besides the ones you mentioned in this thread?




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I don't know how hard it is to find prototypes but if I ever, I mean ever, get my hands on one that Tempest doesn't already have on his site, I would not mind trusting him to post it.


He provides a service to those who otherwise would not have seen prototypes.


Think of it for a second.


If Tempest hadn't started up his site, who else would have? Think of it again. We'd have a community of rom collectors that would never allow their precious roms to be exposed. This isn't the case thanks to Tempest and Atariprotos.com. :D

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I hope Tempest doesn't think that anyone feels he's done anything selfish by not passing on the ROM.  Tempest is doing a great service by providing his AtariProtos site and in order to assure access to games, he must abide by all wishes of the owner.  To do anything else would be ethically wrong on his part.


The point some of us are making is that the owners of these prototyopes have no reason for keeping them out of circulation except for the fact that they feel the games are building value. That's why I won't be kneeling in gratitude when the games finally appear for sale at the conventions.  "Hooray, you finally decided to cash in, here's $50."


Those who have been generous enough to release their treasures to the public deserve our never-ending gratitude.  They are doing a service to video game players and to history itself.  Those who are waiting for a big score a year or two down the road should be looked at like the mercenaries they are.  We'll all want the games when they're finally available, but we should remember that many people in this hobby, this tribute to the living history of gaming, have no ambitions other than to make a buck.



Hmmmm..... While I know in this instance that the motive for not releasing Locomotion is a moral and legal one and takes exception, I've never liked the "holding proto's hostage for cash, control and power thing" kinda pisses me off, well all this talk of unreleased proto's has gotten my attention and thanks to two Most Excellent Coders, a non-working unreleased game is going to be coming to an Atariage announcement near you very soon.... for free, for all to enjoy.


Geee.... lets see that list of unreleased games, I may to go digging into my archives and see what else I have so I can post a lot more unreleased games out for free for all to enjoy.



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Just so everyone knows, I only possess five roms that have not been made public:


1. Locomotion

2. Unknown Activision Prototype 1

3. Unknown Activision Prototype 2

4. "Bloody Human" Freeway

5. Venetian Blinds Demo


Everything else I have has been released (such as Mind Maze).  I cannot release these five roms because the people who gave them to me asked me not to and I will abide by those wishes.  I'm not doing it to horde roms or to be selfish.  I really wish I could "anonymously" release these roms, but I cannot.  I was given these roms so I could research them and post my findings for all to see.  I don't own any of those prototypes either!


I'm not trying to taunt anyone with my webpage, and if anyone feels that way I'm sorry.  I'm in a unique position where people feel that they can trust me to research their prototypes and that I wont distribute the rom without their permission.  If I were to violate that trust no one would ever trust me with their prototypes again.  


I really hope everyone can understand where I'm coming from on this issue.  




Its this very reason why Tempest is held in such high standing in the community and why Programmers approach and talk to him at shows and ask him to help them, way to go Matt !!!





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