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Season 13 ~ Week 22 ~ Seaquest


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After taking a long break on account of feeling burnt out and not wanting to play anymore coupled with a bit of the holiday season blues, I'm finally back to finish out the season! :)


Seaquest is exactly my sort of game, a fast paced twitchy shooter that kinda makes you feel like you're going to have an aneurysm playing it once you get to the higher difficulty levels :lol:



Seaquest (Game 1, B/B Difficulty): 143,720



Edited by Skippy B. Coyote
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Seaquest: 268070


I found it best to do some point pressing in the early game.  I will collect five of the six divers, surface when I'm almost out of air, then pick up two more divers as quickly as possible to maximize the oxygen bonus.


Once I have six ships in reserve, I'll collect six divers and allow oxygen to run out.  This costs me a ship, but I then only have to pick up one diver to maximize the bonus.  The bonus almost always earns be back the ship I lost.


When things get really fast, I might collect five divers when there are relatively few sharks on the screen, surface multiple times to cycle through the boards which have groups of three sharks and then complete the round when it goes back to giving me one shark at a time.  I'm still working on perfecting this last piece of my strategy.  I'm not consistently surviving the fastest levels on the boards where there is only one or two sharks at a time.




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This is a great game . . .just a shame I'm not so great at playing it 😂. The graphics have that crisp, colourful quality that you expect from Activision, the sound effects do their job, and most importantly, the game play is great. It's fun, engaging, and the difficulty ramps up nicely. I also enjoy the fact that although the game is at heart a shooter, the objective is actually to collect the divers rather than shoot things. That slight contradiction provides an intersting twist to the gameplay dynamic which really adds to the replay, and when combined with the dynamic of managing the air supply (both for survival and to maximise score) creates a game that has more to it than appearances sugggest.


I haven't had as much time to play this as I'd have liked, So will post what I have, so that I have something halfway respectable on the board. Hopefully I will get chance to improve before the time runs out.


Anyway, that's enough from me. Here's a (not very good!) score :



Seaquest (1983) (Activision)_3.png

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