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Yet another PAL being sold as NTSC


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same guy has a z-tack by bomb game listed


and an autographed one at that! ;)


What the hell :o :o :o


I am 99% sure, it is the same Z-Tack, which I sold for some days trough an eBay auction with 16 other games in germany. Mine was too with "autograph". But then its 100% PAL, and never a 9.


This is from my own personal collection


Why I think he lie? It looks like this one I sell for some days. :ponder:

But maybe its another one, but too autographed and the same town, where I sold mine. :roll:


PS: I have no problem, when someone get more money for items, which he buy cheap. But I don't like it, when they lie, and sell PAL games as NTSC. Or maybe most people in PAL coutries don't know, that the game have a different rarity then the NTSC games. :?

Maybe all PAL games must be added in the rarity guide. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its me the guy you are calling a liar and a betrayer.........

This is a shame.


Let me explain.


I am a atari rookie who get a few cards collected. After collecting them I looked at atariage.com. According to its rarity guide (I selected all formats and all regions) I found two recordings for OBELIX. A 10/10 for an OBELIX with no "P" on the end label and a 08/10 for a Version with a "P" on the end label. The first one is only available as a NTSC card. Because I could not proof if my card is really an NTSC Version (GERMAN Ataris can run both) so I write: It should be a NTSC Version - but its not indicated on the card. What more should I say...... The same its about the Z-Tack card......


So please dont tell me a liar........its not fair.....


See ya


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A 10/10 for an OBELIX with no "P" on the end label and a 08/10 for a Version with a "P" on the end label. The first one is only available as a NTSC card.


Incorrect, both are available in PAL and I am willing to bet money that your cart is PAL.

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but not reffering to your own rarity guide. Please select all formats and all regions and search for OBELIX. You will find two records. And one versione with no "P"......... in NTSC?!?


Yes, however this is a U.S. website and focuses mainly on NTSC carts, the PAL carts in the database mostly don't even have rarities. Do you have any idea how many PAL carts are missing from the database ? I do, a sh*tload !

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Sorry, that I write this in german, but I can explain it better in german then english. ;)


Tschuldigung, daß ich geschrieben habe, daß ich glaube das Du lügst. War aber nicht so gemeint. Ich sagte ja nur, daß ich es glaube. Wußte nicht, daß Du kaum Ahnung hast von Atari Spielen.


Problem ist, daß dieses Guide hier meist nur für NTSC Spiele gelten. Aber in Deutschland sind die meisten nunmal PAL, außer wenn man Importe bekommen hat. Viele PAL Spiele sind nicht so selten wie NTSC Spiele.


Ausserdem kommt mir das Z-Tack verdammt bekannt vor, weil ich es erst vor kurzem eindeutig als PAL verkauft habe nach München. Und dann taucht es auf einmal wieder auf und wird gelistet als Rarity 9. Vielleicht Zufall und ein anderes, sieht aber ähnlich aus. :roll:

Aber wie schon erwähnt ist die PAL Version nicht so selten. Vielleicht 5-6, keine Ahnung, aber niemals eine 9.


Ist halt das Problem mit der Rarity Guide hier, daß leider kaum PAL Spiele gelistet sind.


Deshalb habe ich es halt nur angedeutet, daß es eine Lüge ist. Aber wenn man noch nicht soviel Ahnung von Atari und der Rarität hat, nehme ich es natürlich zurück und Entschuldige mich dafür. Tut mir wirklich Leid.




EDIT: again in english, what I wite in german (for the other users ;))


Sorry that I have write, that I think you are a liar. But that what mean differnt. I have only write, that I think that you lie. I have not know, that you have not know much about Atari games.


Problem is, that this guide is for NTSC games. But german games are most PAL, only when you buy them from USA or a collector who have buy them in USA. Most PAL games are not so Rare as NTSC games.


And the Z-Tack looks like the one, which I sold for some time in munich. Then I see it again on eBay.com listed as a 9. But if this is the same its not a 9. Maybe a 5 or 6, not sure. But never 9.


Thats the problem with the Rarity Guide, that it most listed not PAL games.


Thats why I have think you lie. But I have not know, that you know not much about Atari games and the Rarity Guide. So sorry, that I have call you a liar.

Sorry again.

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Dear forum,


for me too, I will write one time in german to reply to matthias´ posting.


Hallo Matthias,


vielen Dank für Deine Antwort. Mir ist wirklich nur wichtig, dass hier niemand meint, ich wollte einen Käufer betrügen. Dies war wirklich nicht meine Absicht. Ich hatte mich halt gefreut, so "seltene" Module ergattert zu haben. Da ich OBELIX und Z-Tack doppelt hatte, verkaufte ich diese. Das Obelix Modul ging übrigens nach Canada. Und ich habe mich in der rarity guide getäuscht. Ist aber auch nur für Kenner zu bemerken. Da findet man 2 Obelix Module, eines mit 10 un eines mit 8 Punkten. Und das 10er hat kein P auf der Rückseite. Was soll ich dann denken. It should be a NTSC Version..................... Und zum Beispiel bei Z-Tack oder den Double Ender stand immer made in USA drauf. Warum sollten die dann PAL Versionen herstellen. Ist schon alles sehr komplex.

Das nächste Mal schreibe ich aber besser als FORMAT .... it should be a PAL Version, ist wohl sicherer. Also, nichts für ungut und viel Spaß beim ATARI-Sammeln.





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Bei einigen Spiele ist es wirklich schwer zu erkennen. Bei Bomb ist hinten ein kleiner Sticker drauf (wenn der nicht mal abgefallen ist, aber bei dem Z-Tack müßte einer drauf sein). Und durch das Forum wurde dann mal herrausgefunden, das dort entweder P oder N drinsteht (PAL oder NTSC).

Oder man testet es wirklich anhand den Farben, aber damit habe ich auch manchmal Probleme und müßte erstmal bei dem Emulator schauen, was nun die echten Farben sind.

NTSC Spiele laufen nämlich auf PAL Konsolen mit anderen Farben als PAL Spiele auf PAL Konsolen.


Beim Emulator müßte man dann NTSC Spiele testen, und sieht die Farben, die PAL Spiele auf PAL Konsolen haben müßten. Wenn man PAL Spiele auf dem Emulator testet, müßte man sehen, welche Farben NTSC Spiele auf PAL Konsolen haben. Weil die Emulatoren ebend für NTSC Spiele geschrieben wurden.

Wie gesagt alle etwas kompliziert und für Anfänger auf jeden Fall schwierig alles zu wissen. Selbst wenn man Jahrelang schon dabei ist, lernt man immer wieder was neues. :)


EDIT: English too. ;)


By some games its hard to see, if they are PAL or NTSC. By Bomb is a little sticker at the back. And through the board we have found out, that there stand a P or a N (for PAL or NTSC).

Or you test the game and look at the colors. NTSC games have different colors the PAL games on PAL consols.


On emulator you must test NTSC games, to see how PAL games looks like on PAL consols. When you test PAL games on Emulator, you see how NTSC games look on PAL consols. Because Emulators are written for NTSC games.

Thats all not easy for newbies, and I learn to every day new thing. :)

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I searched a little bit in the forum and find this thread:




Eduaro wrote two links of OBELIX PAL and NTSC. The PAL Version should have an blue title.


Fortunately I made some screenshots of my OBELIX for this auction which I sent on request.


And my OBLIX had an blue title screen. And now? IT WAS AN NTSC VERISON!!!! Or am I wrong again?!?


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Eduaro wrote  two links of OBELIX PAL and NTSC. The PAL Version should have an blue title.


Fortunately I made some screenshots of my OBELIX for this auction which I sent on request.


And my OBLIX had an blue title screen. And now? IT WAS AN NTSC VERISON!!!! Or am I wrong again?!?


Yes, sorry you are wrong. You have only a different color, when you test NTSC games on your PAL console. When you look at these pictures, they were made from NTSC console or Emulator. And they show a different color as you get when you test your PAL game on PAL console.


NTSC game on NTSC console = blue

PAL game on PAL console = blue


NTSC game on PAL console = green

PAL game on NTSC console = green


I have test my 2 Obelix games, and they are both Blue and 100% PAL.

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Das ist jetzt aber genug Deutsch, Ich habe keinen Bock das fuer die anderen Leuten zu übersetzen !


Enough with the german talk now, I am too lazy to translate it for the rest of the members.  




That's my man, The Wiz, always looking out for the common folk that do not understand German

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Dear Matthias,


if you posses to OBELIX cards and both are PAL, how can you know that a NTSC version on a PAL ATARI runs green? But I confirm this is a difficult discussion. But next time I will write its a PAL version. Thanks a lot for your help...................... Grüße nach Berlin

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Dear Matthias,


if you posses to OBELIX cards and both are PAL, how can you know that a NTSC version on a PAL ATARI runs green?


You are right, I am not sure. But I think it will be green. Because I own many other NTSC games, and the colors are always different.

And I think on NTSC consles you get the same different color with PAL games as we get with NTSC games on PAL consoles. But only a guess.


And the PAL pictures shows a green titlescreen here. So I think on our PAL consoles it will be too green when we try NTSC games. :D



Hmmm.... I have test now Dragonfire which has normaly Blue water, but by the NTSC version it was purple. :?

And it seems the same blue then Obelix, strange. :?


But its all so difficult, I don't know. Maybe the color are different by different games. :ponder:


But its sure a PAL version, when your Obelix on PAL console is Blue. When it were green or purple (or complete different color then blue) then it is a NTSC version.

On one Emulator you can too test the colors. With Z26 on german keyboard you must press "ß" and the colors will change (NTSC - PAL - Secam). But the colors by Obelix change strange. NTSC, Secam and then PAL I think. Normaly it change from NTSC to PAL to Secam. :?

But Dragonfire has Blue Water then Purple Water.

Obelix has Blue Titlescreen then Green.


All difficult and strange. So its sometimes hard to say if a game is PAL or NTSC. :D

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if you posses to OBELIX cards and both are PAL, how can you know that a NTSC version on a PAL ATARI runs green?

Check an Obelix NTSC version in an emulator but use the PAL palette. The blue Obelix will look red/magenta (not green).


Check these color charts: http://www.biglist.com/lists/stella/archiv...9/msg00285.html


As you can see, it's sometimes not very easy to distinguish PAL and NTSC versions from looking at only one single color, but the more colors you have to compare, the more sure you get.


NTSC green and yellow and PAL green are very good candidates, since they will always look different

NTSC blue sometimes looks blue on PAL too and sometimes magenta, PAL blue looks blue or green on NTSC.

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